Deep Cover I  

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Objective: The gear of the Yagudo Theomilitary has been increasing in quality at an alarming rate, causing great concern. Gather intel on the status of the enemy's weaponry.

Unit Requirement: 1 member


150 Experience Points
600 Allied Notes


First, you will be directed to talk to an NPC in your nation of alliegence. Talk to this NPC, and he/she will give you a FiendTrapper and five plates to photograph beastmen that oppose your nation. For this operation, you'll need to take three photographs of the Beastmen out in the wild so venture outside, or go to another zone, and photograph beastmen. To do this, you cannot have sneak or invisible active, and the Trapper/plates must be properly equipped in your ranged and ammo slots. Once you have taken a photo, return to your nation and trade the plate to the NPC to finish the mission.

Note: Each photograph must be of a differently named mob or the NPC will state that he has already seen that one before.

Category: Final Fantasy XI
This page last modified 2009-02-12 15:57:08.