EQ2 Quest:Broken Bones  

EverQuest II
Game Update #63
April 17, 2012
[97] Broken Bones (Heroic)
Category: Lyceum of the Recondite
To start:

This quest is a subquest of Temporal Gem Hunt.

Speak to Jorlak in Lyceum of the Recondite to begin this quest.

  1. Kill an Osseous Corruptor. When he’s under 50%, use the Nechronosync item to make his body split apart. Then finish the mob and click on the corpse to get the update
  2. Kill Necranaut Dolk at 376, 1.77, 70.26
  3. Speak to Jorlak
  4. Speak to Tavoken
  5. Speak to Jorlak to complete the quest.

Reward: Temporal Draconic Conduit Gem (for Temporal Gem Hunt), 29g, 85s, 79c , +3,000 Claws of Veeshan faction and Draconic Brazier

ZAM would like to thank Jazzalyn of Butcherblock for some of the information in this article.

Hello Again, Friend of a Friend Skyshrine
Quest Series
Temporal Gem Hunt
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Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link: http://eq2.zam.com/wiki/EQ2_Quest:Broken_Bones
This page last modified 2012-04-20 07:47:37.