
Quick Facts

Type: Active
Macro: /alt activate 640
Expansion: The Serpent's Spine
Total AA: 213
Cooldown: 00:00:01
Classes: Wizard



While active, the wizard focuses his mastery over ice to cause any ice-based direct damage spell they cast to have a chance to cause the targeted creature to enter a cryogenic stasis, slowing their movement rate and becoming more susceptible to ice-based attacks. Additionally a small amount of damage is done to the creature and additional ranks increase this damage. Ranks 1 through 3 work on spells between level 60 and 75, Ranks 4 through 6 work on spells between level 65 and 80 and Ranks 7 through 12 work on spells between level 70 and 85. Ranks 13 through 15 work on spells between level 85 and 90. Ranks 16, 17, and 18 work on spells up to level 91, 93, and 95 respectively. Ranks 18, 19, and 20 work on levels 96, 98, and 100 respectively while increasing the proc chance as well as the damage inflicted.

Rank Requirements

Rk AA Lvl ExpansionEffect Prerequisites
1 3 71 The Serpent's Spine 11103

2 6 73 The Serpent's Spine 11104

3 9 75 The Serpent's Spine 11105

4 7 76 Secrets of Faydwer 12658

5 9 78 Secrets of Faydwer 12659

6 12 80 Secrets of Faydwer 12660

7 7 81 Seeds of Destruction 13677

8 9 83 Seeds of Destruction 13678

9 12 85 Seeds of Destruction 13679

10 7 85 Underfoot 23506

11 9 85 Underfoot 23507

12 12 85 Underfoot 23508

13 9 86 House of Thule 27602

14 11 88 House of Thule 27603

15 13 90 House of Thule 27604

16 11 91 Veil of Alaris 30831 Knowledge of Alaran Culture - Advanced 1

17 13 93 Veil of Alaris 30832

18 15 95 Veil of Alaris 30833

19 11 96 Rain of Fear 37002

20 13 98 Rain of Fear 37003

21 15 100 Rain of Fear 37004

This page last modified 2014-01-18 16:20:19.