EQ:Innate See Invis  

Quick Facts
Innate See Invis

Type: Passive
Expansion: Depths of Darkhollow
Total AA: 9
Classes: Berserker, Bard, Beastlord, Cleric, Druid, Enchanter, Magician, Monk, Necromancer, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Shadowknight, Shaman, Warrior, Wizard


Berserker Bard Beastlord Cleric Druid Enchanter Magician Monk Necromancer Paladin Ranger Rogue Shadowknight Shaman Warrior Wizard

This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.

Rank Requirements

Rk AA Lvl ExpansionPrerequisites
1 9 70 Depths of Darkhollow

Alternate Name

DoD old format tab is called Darkvision for rank 1+

This page last modified 2012-01-30 22:12:38.