Energy (CoS)  

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City of Steam
Energy is how CoS tries to limit how fast players can level, making the field slightly more level between casual and hard-core players.

The maximum Energy you can hold is 1000. Entering any dungeon consumes an amount of Energy. Even going from one level of a dungeon to the next deeper level costs Energy. Your current available Energy is displayed as a yellow bar at the bottom of your Portrait, just above Power.

Character Portrait
Character Portrait

Energy can be restored by:

  • Completing a Path of the Paragon challenge.
  • Consuming an Energy Bar
  • Purchasing Energy with Electrum.
    • 250 Energy will cost you Electrum (see table, below) and you are limited to the number of times you can purchase energy, daily, based on your Subscription Level. To buy Energy, press the yellow plus sign (+) to the right of your Energy bar below your Portrait.
  • Resting (On- or offline you regain 10 Energy every 10 minutes). That means it takes 16 hours and 40 minutes to restore you from 0 to 1000 (full).
  • 500 Energy is restored every day at 18:00 (6pm), server time. That is 9pm CST or 3pm GMT.

195Electrum ($0.92) F2P
2195Electrum ($1.89) 
3295Electrum ($2.86) 
4395Electrum ($3.84) 

This page last modified 2014-01-18 09:44:44.