Explore the Arucanis Arm (STO Mission)  

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Star Trek Online
Exploration: [Lt 4] Explore the Arucanis Arm
Standard Mission

Explore systems (0/3)
Captain's Log

we communicated with Lieutenant Grall and we received the following mission:

Explore 3 systems in the Arucanis Arm, located off of the Regulus Sector Block, and report back with your findings.


 52 Skill Points
 18 Bridge Officer Skill Points
 21 Starfleet Merits
 75 Badge of Exploration, 1st Order

Supplemental Log

Long Range Sensors are of little use in this Sector. You will see many points on the Sector Space map labeled "Arucanis Arm Anomaly". Set course for the nearest and scan it when you are in range. You will find Data Samples or a System. You need to find and explore 3 of these Systems.

Each system you explore will be one of a handful of the following Mission Tasks:

  • Investigate Planet
    1. Approach Planet
    2. Beam Down to underground base
    3. Leads to one of several other Mission Tasks:
      • Investigate underground facility
      • Investigate research facility

  • Investigate research facility
    1. Access console
    2. Access another console
    3. Access final console
    4. Beam Up to Ship

  • Secure System
    1. Enemy Confrontation
    2. Defeat enemy squadrons (2 to 5)
    3. Defeat Lead Squadron

  • Relief Effort (System Rho Venaticorum A-P WE Relief Effort)
    1. Aid the Planet
      • You are contacted by the planet and told how many of what Category:Commodities (STO Item Type)}Commodity they need.
        • You can deliver some of what they need if you do not have enough, but it is very hard to re-locate the same planet. However, if you do find it again the name of the uncompleted Mission Task should appear in your lower-right screen asking if you want to continue the mission.

There may be more, but these are the ones we have seen so far.

This Mission is repeatable, but repeats give less reward: 36 Skill Points, 9 Bridge Officer Points, 15 Starfleet Merits and 75 Badge of Exploration - 1st Order.

To Boldly Go Exploration
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This page last modified 2010-04-30 18:50:19.