To enter this BC do you just need the charm or do I have to be SAM too? I wanted to go as my DRG and see what I can do once I hit 75DRG. This way I can 1. Get my SAM AF helm. 2. Not Have to wait for so many people.
Its not a charm against the demons.. its a charm that breaks the seal the demons put on the BC so that u can get in a show em what a sam (and his Very high lvl Friends) does best.
Upon completing the battle, the item should tear while the cutscene is going on. Atleast it has for the videos I've seen of the battle. So it's basically like a bcnm orb that's just given back for the fun of it so you can remember that you've completed it or something. Beyond that there has not been any information on the use of it after the battle is complete.
This is an item that is used to activate the SAM AF3 Helm battle in Palbourough mines. Its basically a charm against demons you have to end up fighting anyway.