The difference between 15% and 16% is signifigantly higher than the difference between 1% and 2%. It is a multiplication factor which increases expadentialy. You can not think that 16% Vs 15% is not a worthwile senario for it is a huge increase. Keep in mind 1% increase at 10 base mp is 1mp bringing you to a total of 2mp. The same is not true with a 15% or 16% increase at... random higher intervals of mp. The differance has been multiplied form the original thesus of 1mp@1%@10base. Now what this game dosn't take into fact are it's decimals. at a 2.5%(random#) the ".5" is lost or inactive unless another ".5%" is added to the equation from another source.
Sry bumped w/o thinking, u can rate me down now.
Edited, May 26th 2007 5:50pm by Defender