In my time in the tree leveling, I got one coffer key to get the map, and I think at some point I aquired another which is rotting in my mh because I have no plans to lvl nin past 37
Farmed this key today as a 75 BST/NIN and went about 0/60 [at least] before I got this 'common' drop. Guess its not always that common. Finally got it off a Knight Crawler - after killing Robber Crabs and seeing Aquarius pop.
Was experiencing here last night. I would have to agree that this is a very common drop. We killed maybe 5 knight crawlers tops (were killing crabs mostly) and got 2 keys. We just happened to be camping right on top of a copffer also :P. Our MNK opened it and got his map, plus EACH MEMBER of the party got around 4200 gil! THAT was a nice surprise!
I got the second key on a lot but dont have any use for it other than getting another map. Figures :P
Since someone asked (and I'm sure at least a few other people are wondering), this trusty site lists all the things you can obtain from the coffers here, other than the map and the various pieces of AF armor:
For those of you who can't read katakana, the items (other than the map) listed are: jadite, zircon, painite, moonstone, fluorite, sunstone, chrysoberyl, and aquamarine.
Something I never understood. Great way to gimp the players by not letting them buy or obtain the map for a place they will be leveling until they are already there. It is like imagine trying to navigate around the jungles in Kazham without a map (though yes, a lot of people do it, but still..).
Now I KNOW people want to have a map for every area n all... but when you have someone in your party that needs the coffer key for thier freakin AF ARMOR quest, can't you put aside the greed for a moment and let them have the first one??? I've lost the lot on this key 8 times now, between 4 teams. Bad luck on my part, but especially infuriating since every time, I was the ONLY Dragoon in team! >_<
Does anyone know what a coffer will give you after you already have the map? I dont need any AF from the Tree and my static all have one too. I got one of the 1st ones and got the map already. Just curious as to whether I need to bother hunting another coffer or just drop the key. Thanks for any info you guys and gals can give.