I just sold this sword on Phoenix for 250k nice deal because i bought it for 100k like 2 days ago XD lol anyway it was nice to have it in my inventory lol
partied with a DRK that had 2x maybe a year ago its hp drain rarelly proc'd but-- it was cool when it did he specifically asked that he didnt get healed-- that he would get his hp back from SE via drain and procs
so he would do the routine--- Utsusemi Abs STR Last Resort SE vorpal blade - low hp - then just drain back to full if he went red- he would just 2hr and let the hp flow
the dmg wasnt as good as SATA Spining slash- but its really cool to watch
Some people feel This sword has become an excuse for PLDS to forget about the Gluttony Sword. Its a great sword don't get me wrong but is the HP Drain better than Vit +7?