Got this a week ago as a 56WAR/23NIN.
So I was helping a LS member get the "Bag of Seeds" for his AF. I say "hey, can we get my AF mask while we are here?" he says yes. So we go and fight 3 helm beetles. First 2 only drop 1 shell each. The 3rd one, is the coffer key! So i put off a firework or 2.
Now we go to about 4 coffer spawns(we had several ppl, for easy hunting)When I go to 1 coffer spawn....
(Swordguy) {Found It} Treasure Coffer
Swordguy opens the Treasure Coffer.
Swordguy obtains a Fighter's Mask.
it was a good day. i lvled up 2 that day too^^