I'd pay a crazy price for this Katana before I paid a crazy price for a Unsho/Unji. On my server, Unsho and Unji are the crazy priced Katanas. Fudo are only about 500k, which is selling them short, imo. Senjuinrikio/Fudo is gonna be fun. :3
Great Katana, its low delay high damage and crit% is superb. Though after Christmas when Gil buyers went nuts they drove the price from 500k to about 2.5 million on Ragnarok.. Maybe it went back down but unlikely... If anyone wants one dont pay these insane inflated prices.. just go camp it as the mob is pretty easy to beat and its a good drop rate.
i went ahead and bought mine for 2 mil each since i know the prices for them is gonna go way up. its really crazy cuase on my server, SH is 12 mil byrnie is 9 mil Ochi's is 10 mil, woodsman are 3 -4 mil each, snipers are still at 1.5 or so....its crazy
Can some1 please tell me what teh drop rate on this is? I'd b wiling to farm this (600k on Leviathan), but if it has like %3 outa 100% I'm not gonna waste my time ^^;, thanks who can ever help me..
Posted:Aug 28 2004 at 5:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Dear Squeenix, Please make a katana with damage higher than 40. Preferably 45. Hell let's make it 50! Then people won't complain that ninjas do wimpy damage.
Wimpy damage?! i can tell you havnt seen us at lvl 60+ now have you we dont do wimpy damage bud if you think so watch what blade ten and Jen will do to you.
god i am a ninja too and oh man i can't wait to get those Katanas. Of course i am going to farm for them because on the Carbuncle server they are going for 750k.
An nm in rancor den. My friend helped out a japanese friend and the japanese gave him this. Being a ninja this makes me drool.... drool so much. Its not rare so dual wield this thing and bam you got yourself +6%.