The Guild cap on this is **3120 or 3210** not quite sure, i figured i should say it so ppl know what it caps at. i liked this item to get GP from i think its good gil/gp ratio and the high cap. FInally got Lumberjack cause Composite Bow was yesterdays GP (Composite bow sux) not worth it.
I became a novice for woodworking yesterday on Remora and the very first item I was asked to make to trade in for Guild Points was this holly pole. I felt that the points given wasn't to bad for this item. The next item asked for is a harp, now the points given for a harp is a total rip off..... I will just wait and see what the next item is and wether or not it's worth it. I presume that your points keep on accumulating and you don't lose what points you have already accumulated within a set time.