Yeah ok this is Spartans with less delay and 1 more acc. People see 20 dmg on hth and get all moist. Think of this at 75 i carry 7 sets of knuckles and i assure you these are nowhere among them. Cross-Counters-any mnk planning on tanking or soloing anything needs these aside from /nin. Destroyers- 48 delay +6% crit rate once unlocked your DoT is crazy because of the low delay and damn high dmg. Stun Jamadhars- stun(never use). Shiva's Claws- Paralyze(duh, again never use). Martial Knuckles-tp bonus(never use). Wagh Bagnahks-so when i talk **** i know my facts. Adargas-cuz aside from Avengers these look the coolest, anyone who says otherwise has mental issues. So what can i say about these. Good delay top notch damage. Down sides, no counter(CC's better) more delay and no crit(destroyers better) no added effects(others) and they look like punching someone with a gravy boat. Again and i am sorry for the all caps ****.... MONKS ARE DIFFERENT THAN OTHER PEOPLE HIGH DAMAGE DOES NOT MAKE THE WEAPON, hell look at spartans they suck hahahahaha. Anyway just things to think about because 2 more damage and nearly 30% more delay(add in natural delay) does not make for better DoT. Oh but he is right when Vishnus are cool but then the damage does make a difference and again crit hit%. Young monks think about these things before you go wasting millions of gil on crap like this and spartans. At level 75 there are better things you can use for different jobs. And remember we are not wars, drks, drgs, sams, etc. who go for damage per hit. We go for DoT so less dmg more hits per fight. Don't be swayed by, "With these my per hit goes up 5 points over destroyers" cuz the part they aren't telling you is that they hit slower and crit less so i think you can make your own choice. Plus destroyers are free if you ksnm these are a synth which means more money you could be spending on food is in the hands of a goldsmither. And btw all who will flame me for saying spartans suck, ask youself this. Do you still use your spartans? I got CC's at 50 and used them til destroyers and still use them now. Most people who ever have spartans sell them once they get the chance because they have very little advantages.
Edit: aded "dmg more hits per fight" made no sense without it. and the last sentence.
Oh and edit again, in saying this i am assuming that everyone who picks things over destroyers has them unlocked. Otherwise get off your lazy *** and do your job.
Edited, Wed May 24 13:14:17 2006