Funguars are capped, so if you are above funguars cap (65 I think it is?), you still can't pop a funguar above that. CC on the other hand, is uncapped, and benefits a great amount from BA 3/3 and monster gloves.
These gloves do infact make your jug pet stronger. They make (according to Wiki) the jug pet 0-1 level below the level of the Beastmaster themselves. Stack these gloves with Beast Affinity and you have a wonderful use for Fungars.
I dont see why putting the pet back into the Jug is such a far fetch'd idea. Havent you guys ever seen Pokemon.... those things seem to fit back into that little ball.
This thread has several people saying that summoning with the Monster Gloves make CourierCarrie get hit by Level 5 Petrify, so they make jug pets pop EM instead of DC.
if it reduced the recast time for call beast it would say "reduced call beast timer" kinda like what bison helm does for reward...
My guess (this is the only af2 i do not have) is that it either 1, just makes your call beast a tad stronger 2, increases the length of time your pet says out
It only makes your pet more powerful, based on tests that I have done. Had the pair for a week now. I haven't done specific experiments, but the only noticeably stronger pet that I use all the time is CourierCarrie
I think you posted on the wrong forum, but maybe this will help...
Brisko wrote:
Step One: Go to Dynamis-Bastok, get Relic Axe to drop. Win lot.
Step Two: Go on an insane number of Dynamis runs and obtain 3 Lungo-Nago Jadeshell ancient currency pieces. Obtain 1 Angel Skin, 1 Chronos Tooth, 1 Feather Collar+1. Trade currency and items to Switchstix in Castle Zvahl Baileys. Congratulations! You now own a Leonine Axe.
Step Three: Go on an insane number of Dynamis Runs and obtain more currency, etc etc. Trade Leonine Axe, currency and 1 Tabar, 1 Darksteel Tabar, 1 Tabarzarin to Switchstix. Wait 1 week earth time and return. Congratulations! You now own a a Dynamis Axe.
Step Four: Go on Dynamis-Beaucedine runs until you obtain an Attestation of Bravery. Switchstix transforms your Dynamis Axe into an Ogre Killer.
Step Five: Obtain Runaeic Fragment, run around Vana'diel completing cutscenes. Yada yada, you now own a Guttler.
ALL stages of relic weapons are rare/ex. You cannot wield two. If you toss away your relic weapon at any time, which you'd have to be insane to do since you will have spent months and millions (literally) to obtain each stage you can start over.
My guess is that it would increase the stats/level of the pet you summon, possibly increasing the maximum level.
On an additional note, a "jug pet" is not contained within the jug. The jug is a broth of the creatures favorite food which you, in theory, set out to lure the creature to you. because you gave it food, it is loyal to you for half a day (half hour earth time).
Crabs like fish. Rabbits like carrots. tigers like meat. mandies like humus. fungus likes dirt. cactuar like super special magic water that holds the power of the sun.
well i'll tell ya now that you can't put them back cuz they were never IN the jug.
jugs are food used to attract the pets, not hold them.
and if i had a guess this wouldn't cut time off either, cuz it would just say what the bison head says, that it reduces recast time.
if i had a guess it would be an increase in the lvl of your jugs, for example, when i lvled in cape terrigan i would kill the gobs PET and wait for it to recall its pet, t my surprised i found that the pet wold randomly be too weak - decent chalenge fromt he SAME MOB.
also i would kill a T gob with a too weak pet and then a DC gob with an Easy Prey pet.
so i would assme it's the same with bst players and that there is a stat maybe CHR that would increase the lvl of our jugs. that's my 2 cents.
also it could be that all the jugs may not have a lvl cap while wearing the gloves, for examply seedbed soil.
If you can put your pet back into a jug...Wait a minute. What the fusck? O_O; Back in the jug? That's a funny mental image.
Anyways, if you COULD in fact take your jug pets back, think of the absolute doom that you could do with just one Amigo Sabotender jug? And you'd only have to buy one. I think you got shafted, because there are a few JP 75BSTs on my LS with these jugs, and I see them in the Jeuno sales history as buying them quite a few times. Sorry, but if anyone would have loved this item, and done anything to get it, it would have been the Japanese. -_-;