icon Ovinnik Leather  

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Auction House: Materials - Leathercraft

Ovinnik Leather
[Inventory] All Races
A square of remarkably
tenacious ovinnik leather.

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Guild Level: Artisan

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Not an NM
# Jan 27 2006 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
237 posts
And because it's an NM drop, supply on the hides will be bad when there is a demand on it.

Ovinnik is a tiger mob we exp on in Kuftal Tunnel.
Used for relic armor upgrade
# Jan 14 2006 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
5,339 posts
It's used for (at least) upgrading Melee Gloves.

I do hope it's not price gauged (I haven't checked lately) because it doesn't look like an obscenely high synth nor do the ingredients look all that special. Only one hide is needed for the upgrade of the gloves along with some one byne bills and the melee gloves -1.
Hmmm.. I wonder
# Jan 07 2006 at 1:03 AM Rating: Default
I like how this leather is not yet used for anything. The smart people are going to stock up on it now - seeing it's worthless. Than when some big expansion comes out>> suddenly it'll be worth TONS. SE has a tendency of adding reasons for items at later dates. And because it's an NM drop, supply on the hides will be bad when there is a demand on it.

I'm just curious as to what it'll be synthed into. Hmmm. how about a mantle? =D Anyway. Just my two cents. Maybe someone'll listen and stock up ^-^
RE: Hmmm.. I wonder
# Feb 13 2006 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
inncorrect on the NM drop lol its a common drop(kinda) off the Ovinnik (78-81) A.K.A. Tigers you EXP off of at Kuftal Tunnel, nothing NM about them, just like hte Dhamel who drop their special skins at Bibkai bay, i discoverd these leathers are used for the Monk relic gloves, accessing this is required you get Sea access, and need like some Byne curentecy,
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