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Auction House: Armor - Rings
Charges: 50
Recast Time: 10 minutes
Activation Time: 30 seconds

Poseidon's Ring
[Finger] All RacesLv.65 WAR/MNK/WHM/BLM/RDM/THF/PLD/DRK/
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Guild Level: Veteran

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what this ring acutally does
# Apr 01 2008 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,318 posts
I have this ring. Rylox of Fairy. Here are some details on it. When used by a 75 job, the ring drains MP at a rate of 15mp/tic. The summoned water elemental does not engage enemies. No pet command menu comes up.

When using a 75/smn, you summon a lvl 65 water elemental, vs the lower lvl one. You have access to assult, retreat. My smn is only 11. Since casting is related to smn skill (my limited understanding, feel free to edit this) the water elemental did not cast for me. This ring, seems designed to allow for smn to be subbed, and call forth a high enough elemental (anyway) that might be helpful in certain situations.

However, since, whm was really the only job that subbed smn, and with the addition of sch to the mix, i can't see this happening often. What could have been a very handy ring for certain jobs, is now, a very expenisive novelty. I was hoping to used on brd/whm in Nyzle Isle runs. I was even okay with the 15mp drain on boss fights...but the elemental can not be controlled unless smn is subbed...which won't happen i don't think...
The recast timer.
# Aug 10 2006 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
My problem with this thing is that alot of enchantment items with goldsmithing(Since those are the only one I've used) last as long as it takes to be usable again. Even worse still your probally going to have to keep the ring equipped. And the spirit will probally drain.
The recast timer.
# Feb 02 2008 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
534 posts
There is no perp cost for the spirt, it lasts 30 seconds casts lev 65 magic 1 time on the target if you are attacking it and leaves. You have no control over it, think bard charm except it does cast 1 time. Nothing more nothing less.
Summoning Skill?
# May 08 2006 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
One thing I'm concerned with using this ring is the lack of summoning skill. Since neither your job or your sub would have a summoning skill, what would it use? Would it cap? Would it just use your summoner's current skill? Anyone who's subbed /SMN and called up a summon knows what I'm talking about when your summoning skill is gimped, so the acc and damage this could do compared to a smn casting it might be a whole lot differnt.
RE: Summoning Skill?
# May 31 2006 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
Chances are the water elemental will be close to the lvl of the ring so prolly between 60-65 maybe 55 but would worry me is that the speed at which a element/spirit will cast its next spell is based on the smns magic skill and possibly other variables, just wonder how it would work out in this ring.
You Need to Enter a Subject!
# Feb 21 2006 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
If the Enchantments work like I think they do, this Water Spirit will likely not cost any MP. However, if you look at the timing:

It takes 30 seconds to activate
The spirit will only last for 30 seconds
You cannot recast the enchantment for 10 minutes.

Am I reading that right? That's a lot of gil for a total of 25 minutes. If I'm reading it wrong and it is 30 seconds to recast and it is out for 10 minutes, then that's like 5 million gil for 500 minutes worth of a Water Spirit (not even 10 hours).
RE: You Need to Enter a Subject!
# Feb 28 2006 at 2:19 AM Rating: Good
69 posts
there is nothing on any enchantment that says how long it lasts, the 30 seconds is time you have to wait after you equip the item, not the duration
# Feb 03 2006 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
495 posts
So this item really does allow any job to summon a water spirit? Might not be too practical, but If I had more gil to burn I would buy one as MNK just for the sake of having a summon! That would be so cool.

A BST could make his own mini pt. Him, his pet, his npc, and a summon!
RE: wow!
# Mar 27 2006 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
any single person can only have 1 pet at a time (excluding your fellowship npc). like say a drg/bst couldn't charm an animal if they had their wyvern out, or have their wyvern out if they had a charmed monster.
RE: wow!
# Apr 07 2006 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
495 posts
Aww that sucks ; ;
# Dec 18 2005 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
This ring would cost over 3 million to make on my server based solely on raw material cost. That's a lot just to test it out.
# Apr 09 2005 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,318 posts
This would be a sweet ring for a bard to use...those mps could be put to good use...MAAT FIGHT...lol
RE: Brd
# Aug 13 2005 at 5:40 PM Rating: Default
474 posts
What? You don't get a sub when you fight maat.. i.e. there is no possible way for a bard to use MPs when fighting him.

Admittedly busting out a pet to cast flood on maat would be pretty cool, though. Kind of imbalanced, in fact.
RE: Brd
# Oct 16 2005 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,709 posts
Really >.> so that +10mp from the ring wouldn't add +10 mp to a bard? Or any other equipment or food? hmm.. I didn't know that
RE: Brd
# Oct 23 2005 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
302 posts
No, what was said is when you fight Maat, you don't get to use your subjob. You'd be just a bard. So yes, you would have MP, but you wouldn't be able to cast any spells. So that MP would be useless.
RE: Brd
# Sep 20 2006 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
God most idiotic rant of the century.

Now I cant find any concrete evidence b/c it looks like no one wants to test this ring, so I'm going on the most logical conclusion.

BRD Maat fight. You lose your subjob oh noez @.@ dumbasses. Just because you lose your sub doesnt mean you cant get mp.

Now I'm ASSUMING the spirit charges a perpetuation. It may not. We dont know someone make this thing and test it please. ANYWAY...

Chomp down on some high mp food, (Pie Gelato etc.) There you go instant MP. The ring also grants mp. Just because you dont have a subjob doesnt mean crap when we're talking about an ENCHANTED item.

Now I dont think its the -smartest- thing to do. But a AM flood on maat wouldnt be 1/2 bad imo. Dunno really. Point is it would work. If its the most effective is a completly other arguement.
# Mar 24 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
This is what I found on somepage:

Poisideon's Ring
-Fire Crystal
-1x Orichalcum Ring
-1x Aqueous Orichalcum Ingot

Other important recipies:

Orichalcum Ring
-Fire Crystal
-2x Orichalicum Ingot

Orichalicum Ingot
-Fire Crystal
-3x Orichalicum Ore
-1x Platinum Ore

Aqueous Orichalcum Ingot
-Fire Crystal
-Key Item: "Gold Ensorcellment"
-1x Platinum Ore
-3x Orichalicum Ore
-1x Lightning Anima
-1x Dark Anima
-1x Water Anima

I'm going to try to verify this in the comming days, I hope I have a friend that goldsmiths >.<
# Jan 25 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Default
maybe there will be others as well with enchantmnets for each spirit
# Jan 25 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Default
if anyone figures out where to get these please post
and put some info on it too
thf/nin casting water spirit in xp pt would be awsome
# Dec 29 2004 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
some highlevel WHM on Fenrir has one, only known one too....named 'Ludwig", sodl it to himself on jeuno AH for like 1Mil
# Mar 19 2005 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
He sold it to himself for 1mill, what a waste of 100k of tax!
# Aug 12 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Excellent
119 posts
He could have put it up for 1gil and then paid 1mill, and only waste the base amount to put something up in Jeuno.
# Mar 18 2005 at 11:17 PM Rating: Default
Yea your right >< Ludwig is very rich, wish i could see this ring in action
# Aug 15 2005 at 1:46 AM Rating: Default
199 posts
Holy crap, you kept count on spook? 132? I'd have lost count after 10 o.0
# Mar 19 2005 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
# Oct 04 2004 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent
Im just guessing that this would count as a pet, and therefor a smn could only have this summoned and not any other of their avatars

Another thing, with the mp, im also guessing that this doesnt use mp, but instead is based on a timer, such as most other enchantments are, but i would like to see some more information :)
# Oct 03 2004 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
i would assume that it stays summoned maybe? just kinda follows u around? but that would seem to be WAY to powerfull of an item... since a smn could then have that elemental out and his other smn as well.. I would assume that it dosnt affect ur mps either
RE: hmmm
# Jun 03 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
since a smn could then have that elemental out and his other smn as well

Thats not true, because if SMN were to try to summon something after using this ring then they would get the "Error: You already have a pet!" message.
# Oct 03 2004 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
434 posts
How would this work for a non SMN or /SMN character? They have no summoning skill, so what would determine the strength of the spirit?
RE: Skill?
# Oct 03 2004 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
110 posts
Not to mention, how could you possibly maintain the Spirit for more than a few seconds if you're not currently using a mage job...? That, or a melee job with absurd amounts of MP+ gear, which would just be silly anyway...

Edited, Sun Oct 3 21:33:45 2004
RE: Skill?
# Oct 04 2004 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
298 posts
Have you ever noticed how much mp an elvaan thf has thanks to RSE? ^_^
# Oct 02 2004 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
411 posts
a Thief/Ninja summoning a water spirit?
Dont mind if I do!!!
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