you guys got it easy, i migrated to hades server back when they allowed you to do so and keep your character data, and the price for a Republic sword on Hades is 220k give or take a few hundred... although ill still be using one when i'm of level.
I have RDM/NIN and dual wield these. The accuracy bonus really helps make dual wield worthwhile. I cast en-thunder, etc and get two hits, good dmg, more hits from the acc bonus, and additional damage each hit from the en- spell.
I use a RDM/NIN combo and carry 2 Centurion Swords and 2 Chestnut Wands on me. When lvling, I tend to hit for about 70-80hps, and most of the tanks hit for around 100, give or take, so it is one nice combo. Unfortunately, if I had these and still carried 2 wands for casting, the MP bonus really won't help since it only works when their equipped.
This sword ran me 60k in the auction house on Bismarck... I used it from lvl 36 and will continue to use it to lvl 50. It is an awesome sword... but pretty expensive as well.
Posted:Feb 29 2004 at 11:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Believe you can synth this from Bastokan Sword, since almost all Republic gear is made from Bastokan gear, and Bastokan is made from Legionnaire gear. Not sure what recipe is
i have asked so many people and ls about this but no one seems to know the answer.. where do i get this sword? if it's something that you make what skill lvl and skill and want items? plz help.