Maybe they're cheaper to the Lance because it costs extra if you buy the Batteries. As this is my current weapon and it feels like a "true" Polearm, well, for now at least. ^.^
these sell cheap because goldsmiths use them to skill up on without having to buy mithril ingots. they are a dirt cheap loss compared to other things of there level. we just want SOME money back. 2k better than what vendor offers.
Hey, while this has the added effect and I may only buy just one battery just to see it work...(At a cost of 1k apiece...) This lance has the exact same stats as the normal lance and no lances were available for an entire week so i checked these out and they were 2k cheaper anyhow...So I bought it...Why not? Sames stats just with the option of the extra damage. No complaints here...^^