icon Squirrel's Delight  

Does not Stack
This item is Food that lasts 240 min.
Auction House: Food - Meals - Sweets

Squirrel's Delight
[Inventory] All Races
Made by a master patissier, this gleaming marron glace is sure to delight anyone who takes a bite

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Food Effects

  • MP +13% (Cap is +95 MP @ 731 base MP)
  • MP Recovered While Healing +1

Final Fantasy XI

Category: Final Fantasy XI
This page last modified 2012-08-01 23:02:11.
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Guild Level: Adept

Made from Marron Glace Recipes:

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# May 24 2007 at 6:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
Flagged as food, set as HQ of Marron Glace, added food effects and note.
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# May 17 2006 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
Got some ingredients, get some HQ crystals...BAM! HQ image, Squirrels Delight...not signed ; ; is it not possible to sign this?
# Aug 02 2006 at 4:59 AM Rating: Good
634 posts
You MUST use the 'HQ' crystal to name a crafted item, and you CANNOT sign any consumables that I know of. Since you mentioned buying HQ crystals, that's your problem.

You can't sign food, ammo, ninja tools, etc - things you use up.

You CAN sign durables, like weapons, armor and the such - things that aren't used up.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2006 at 6:04am EDT by Mindwalker
# Aug 12 2006 at 11:36 PM Rating: Good
241 posts
You used to be able to sign food...I have signed Icecap Rolanberry before. The rule used to be that you can sign food that does not stack, except for juice. That being the case, I don't know why you wouldn't be able to sign this, unless SE changed it at some point.
somepage report
# Mar 07 2006 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
Type: Food
Jobs: All
Races: All
Food Duration: 240 minutes
Stackable: Not Stackable
Auction House Category:
Food / Meals / Sweets
Effects for Squirrel's Delight:
MP +13% (Cap: 90@692 Base MP)
MP Regeneration While Healing +1
this food does cap per http://ffxi.cannotlinkto/itemdb/7892

Edited, Tue Mar 7 07:18:00 2006
MP Cap?
# Feb 21 2006 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
What exactly is the cap for the MP bonus given from the MP%? Or is it capped at all?? o.O *cue twilight zone theme*
Why the squirrel?
# Jan 11 2006 at 6:40 PM Rating: Excellent
49 posts
In case you were wondering why this is called "Squirrel's Delight", "Marron Glace" roughly translates to "Chestnut Ice Cream" in French - so the HQ would presumably be a Squirrel's 'Delight'. ^^

(More 'on topic', this food is kind of a pain to make, getting Pattisier or whatever the key item is, just for the potential to get this - and the other new HQ2 foods - on a risky synth, doesn't exactly make for the most reliable of meals. T_T)

Edit: Spelling... Hewkd on fonix werkd 4 me. >_<

Edited, Wed Jan 11 17:42:28 2006
RE: Why the squirrel?
# Apr 02 2006 at 1:56 AM Rating: Good
44 posts
True, but this is the only marron glace recipe I ever use on Shiva because a single sells for 50k and sells fast. 20k on a stack of Movop. Water almost always results in 4-5 HQ2s of this at 97.3 Cooking, which equals profit. Passiter is only 8k guild points, so its easy to get. Considering that NQ glace sells for 4k on Shiva, this is a nice boost to the profit margin when they synth. If you are over 95 Cooking I would recommend trying these out and see if your Glace profits don't increase! :)
Correct Receipe
# Jan 11 2006 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
242 posts
After looking at this post I noticed that the information is not 100% accurate. The correct receipe is as follows:

Cooking Lvl: 86 Cap
Crystal: Dark
Maple Sugar
Chestnut x2
Baking Soda
Grape Juice

Result: Marron Glace
HQ #1: Squirrel's Delight

Hope I have helped
RE: Correct Receipe
# Mar 13 2006 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
actually, the HQ#1 for Marron Glace is "Bijou Glace". Squirrel's Delight is the HQ#1
# Jan 11 2006 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
12,501 posts
We have a Tarutaru RDM on our server named Squerril, and he loves the name. Has it in his bazzar message and everything. Just he can't get a hold of one of these things.

...Dunno just thought that was kind of interesting.
more info
# Jan 11 2006 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
This lasts 240 mins just like Bijou Glace. As for the "best" lvl for this food, I would say no eariler than lvl 40-50 simply because the MP boost is based on a percentage rather than a flat number (like pie, for example.) If you start using glace at a lower lvl, like 15-20, when your Base MP pool is only, say 210, you are looking at only a 27 mp increase (210 x 0.13 = 27) You can do better with other foods at that lvl, but at higher levels, this will give you the largest mp increase. I suppose a taru mage could start using them a little earlier than us Elvaan mages though! ;)

This is not one of the new AoE foods even though it is a Passiter item. I do still think there has to be SOME additional effect with this food, but nobody has found it yet. I'm going to run a few more tests and I'll edit this post if I find anything new! :D
Squirrels like acorns.
# Jan 10 2006 at 7:55 PM Rating: Excellent
630 posts
AoE Marron Glace? >_>
the name
# Jan 10 2006 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
Squirrel's Delight

with a name likke that I really wonder who is going to eat this things lol!!!

I just wnat to know one thing though is this really good and for what lvl of mage woiuld use them effenctly. also does anyone know the time frame for this in actual minutes/seconds insted of straight seconds I get confused some tring to translate seconds to minutes. :-) and by the one post is that the actuale stats for it or is there something more as nits an hq from what people post? Can you please help me out
# Jan 10 2006 at 4:51 PM Rating: Excellent
44 posts
I question whether these stats are correct, but time will tell. The posted stats and the posted MP cap (90@692 Base MP) is the same as the HQ1 Bijou Glace. I thought these would be a small step above Bijou given the HQ2 "blue box" graphic when you make it.
At lvl 97 cooking (with apron) I HQ these about 5-10% without support. Currently sells on Shiva for 50k each, but only 6 have ever sold so far (3 by me! lol) Sells slowly but a hefty profit when they do sell! I use them in parties just because of the cool name! ;)

Recipe is:
Yield (1) Cap (86)
Dark Crystal
Grape Juice x1
Maple Sugar x1
Baking Soda x1
Ronf. Chestnut x2

(Baking soda recipe is: Lightning, Movopolos Water x1, Rock Salt x1, around lvl 20-25 Alchemy. FYI.)
# Jan 10 2006 at 4:12 PM Rating: Excellent
81 posts
Fun for mages. 13% MP is pretty nice. Wonder what lvl of cooking this requires. Wheee for first post!
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