I'm like 0/3 on this thing, after I saw this on a DRK mithra while doing my O-Hat run, I wanted it!
First time was utter defeat as the Gob gave him Heals and TP charges. My last 2 tries however have been easy.
Blink band helps out extremely if fighting him as DRK. His Accuracy is so bad already that you could actually use the slow *** blink band and only get hit once, maybe not at all! However it is smart to carry at least a Vile Elixer in the event his HP is completely restored.
Gonna continue to fight this fool until he drops the ring, but quickest 2k points for merits I have so far. Too bad you can only do this every 5 days ><
I just got this. I died the first try on this BCNM when i was 59, but i came back at lv.60 full-hearted. Beat the living %$#@! outta him with over half HP to spare and 30MP left. Used Guillotine on him twice. This is an easy fight wether the goblin helps you or not for DRK. I was wearing AF body, head, feet, and my regular xp party equipment but i wont get into that. The main proporties for this BCNM is STUN and WEAPON BASH. I was actually surprised how long it stuns him. Use 2hr when you're about to hit yellow or a little above. Keep using stun and weapon bash much as possible. Not sure if this helped any but i did manage to cast Absorb-VIT on him. Once he's stunned you can probably unlock and run the other direction fast enough to cast Drain after 2 hr is over. Just keep this guy stunned cause he hits hard and cast drain as much as possible.
Can't guarantee the Tactical Ring, guess i was just lucky on the first defeat. o.O
sorry to burst yer bubbles, but a friend in the LS got this on the first day of availability... it provides 1TP/tick for 3min for a total of 60TP. so for those hoping for self-skillchains are out of luck, but it could be useful for important and/or long fights ^^
good luck... all i get for the JSE ring is HP+20% ;_; (at this level tho that comes out to 200+ HP on demand ^_^)
60 TP? I don't think so. You get 120 TP from using the ring. The onlt real problem with the ring is that if you take it off you lose the enchantment and your TP Regen stops. I have the ring, and I must say it has proved useless in XP PT's, however when doing my Zilart Missions this ring came in very handy.
This seems like the perfect item to use in the last two Maat fights, in conjunction with the opo-opo neckace. Just sleep to 100 TP, then before engaging maat, use this baby so that all the while during the fight you're gaining extra TP. The sooner that 2nd guillotine comes in the better.