Its crafted from Fruit Punches which are dropped by Tom-tit-tat at who spawns near the hill with the twinkle tree (I-6) in west saruta. Just kill every mandie that wanders up the hillside till he pops.
Read the post by Saiyou for your delay chart. Other problem with these ISN't damage over time. While its low, it's a hell of a lot of it with pretty much the best ACC you could have. The problem? WEAPONSKILL DAMAGE SUCKS. That's all, take it from a 59MNK.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin
Posted:May 27 2005 at 8:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ur not even a mnk wtf dude. i bought these for 15k on ********* and they suck so much. Dmg: {Can I have it?}
Been using a pair of these with my Monk and they absolutely rule for soloing. In the time it took to solo 10-11 I didn't get any invites so I didn't get to test them in a pt before I loged. I do have a pair of the Bastok CP Knucks with me in case their not all that great in a pt.
But I'll say this... 100 fists was amazing with these. I thought it was fast before but O.O It was on fire... At 18 I plan on going nuts on some VT to IT mob with these. I'll have Martial Arts 2, Purple Belt with haste, kick on the 100 fists and have a Whm friend haste me and make sure I don't actually die in my crazy venture. Should be fun ^.^
i'm not sure if that works actually... i belive 100 fists makes you delay as low as possible in the first place, so this would equal bad, (with the exception of the huge accuracy boost).
Ahahaha, good luck. It's best to go for weapons with the least delay. Also, if you sub thf, you can have more dex, and watch the fists fly as you knock their lights out!
At level 22 I still use Tropical Punches +1 (I could afford the 100k to go the extra mile) I use food and have about +16 strength when I exp pt. Also, the +12 (or 10 from regular version) Accuracy is irreplacable at this level. I plan on using them until my damabe per hit becomes too much of a problem. 0 DLY and +12 Accuracy.... what self-respecting monk wouldn't want that? =P
At level 22 I still use Tropical Punches +1 (I could afford the 100k to go the extra mile) I use food and have about +16 strength when I exp pt. Also, the +12 (or 10 from regular version) Accuracy is irreplacable at this level. I plan on using them until my damabe per hit becomes too much of a problem. 0 DLY and +12 Accuracy.... what self-respecting monk wouldn't want that? =P
No, that just means using this H2H weapon adds nothing to the overhead of H2H. The base H2H delay is something like 360 (I'm not totaly sure, but its in the 300s), and when using these, it stays at that base.
well actally the base delay is 480 wel ok ill make a chart:
HTH Delay = 480 HTH Delay with Martial Arts I(lvl1)= 400 HTH Delay with Martial Arts II(lvl16)= 380 HTH Delay with Martial Arts III(lvl31)= 360 HTH Delay with Martial Arts IV(lvl46)= 340 HTH Delay with Martial Arts V(lvl61)= 320 HTH Delay with Martial Arts VI(lvl75)= 300
as u can see we Monks get pretty quick with our HTH attacks around lvl 61. Thanx to Akumu X(my role model Monk) for this info in his guide.
im on Garuda server i want them badly i can pay 9-11k but if anyone wanna trade me i got some good armor i dont use anyne more if anyone has them /tell Veika ^.^ Please
I recently started a new character to level up if I get bored of working on my current character and I'm about to hit level 10 mnk. I'm playing as a galka and I plan on getting these. I think that as a galka with high str and eating food, hitting more often will make up for the +3 dmg I would get from using a different weapon. But again I'm only considering them because I'm a galka. If I were mithra or Hume I doubt I would bother. I plan on using them until level 18 ish, unless I see a dramatic decrease in my dmg, hopefully since I eat mith kabobs even at low levels I'll be wanted in parties :P
Posted:Jun 24 2004 at 11:56 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) With the bad damage on these a pair of kingdom cesti or San diorian cesti is much better, look at them, they can easily be better because they only have like 6 less accuracy and I still hit almost everytime.
I am a level 36 Monk named Randwolf on the Sylph server. I just added the Tropical Punches to my ******** When I go out leveling, I take between 3 and 4 different weapons and attempt to fit the weapon to the prey. Because I am wearing my RSE, I'm Taru, I found the Tropical Punches to be a nice match to the strength bonus I get from my armor. I also usually carry a Poison Cesti +1, Fire Cesti, and Lynx Baghnakhs. I need to get a set of the Sonic Knuckles for wind damage. Anyway, I will switch the weapons around until I find what is doing the job most successfully. If the PT is fighting a bunch of different Mob types, I will usually stick to one of the H2H with no effect.
On Leviathan in San d' Oria South the past few weeks there has be a person running a Bazar full of the upgraded CP stuff. And every other day a Pair of these appear in the bazar which leads me to believe they can be crafted.
the main drop of NMs are rare and no these are not dropped by TomTitTat these are synthed from Cesti that TomTitTat DOES drop there is a huge difference betwee the two items, its just like Leaping boots > Winged boots