Mr.Buff, sorry to burst your bubble, but you haven't shown any proof either so I would shut the hell up if I were you unless you're going to show some proof. Btw, I'm not going to lie, I've only got WAR up to lvl 30 so I'm actually not sure if any of the above is true, but what I do know is that you're a complete and utter hypocrite as well as a moron. Show proof or stfu. And also lol @ the "level 10 dual-weilding axes" comment...
/sigh Why is all war af2/relic armor so useless? Attack +10! WoW!!! You're giving up STR +5, Dex +5, and Acc +10 fromt he Hauberk/haubergeon, and they still have the attack +10 stat, and are MUCH easier to get, and can be used MUCH sooner... But the biggest story here is the ENMITY+! All this BS will do is get you killed more, I get PLENTY of hate as it is, I often pull hate off the tanks from NORMAL HITS, even before I've used a WS...
Oh no... I hear it coming already... "But... war is the best tank in the game!!" from all the noobs out there who have never even PLAYED war. Yes, it's true, long LONG ago, before a 75 level cap, war was the only tank... But now, I would LOVE to see a video of a single 75 war (not bouncing hate in a burn pt) tank anything successfully unless it was a nm fight where they had 5+ whm's cure bombing him. ON top of that, for a war to successfully tank, they have to give up ALL their best DD gear and abilities! War makes SUCH a good DD with aggressor, berserk, haubergion, and other gear/abilities that DECREASE your defense/evasion and greatly increase damage. Instead, the war will have to use def food instead of DD food, and defender instead of berserk (Wow, that will more than cut your attack in half, I'm sure you'll hold hate with the dmg you do now!). The bottom line is, war has MUCH more gear and abilities designed for beign an A+ DD, and being a seriously gimped tanking that creates TONS of downtime at best. To all those who want to argue this point... Let me see a video proving me wrong. I have been a 75 war for a VERY long time, and been a part of end game activities for just as long, and still am yet to see anything proving me wrong...
Ok, i'm one of those elusive 75 WAR tanks, and i'm here to educate you upon a few things. 1:Noone uses Warrior Lorica for anything but show. It's damage stats are mediocre, and it's tanking stats are nothing compared to your Fighter's Lorica. It's pretty, and it's bragging rights, but that's it.
2:Warrior do not give up damage gear to tank. You swap in your Fighter's Lorica and maybe a Warwolf Belt for Provoke/Warcry, and then you swap it back out to keep damaging. You should really only realistically have Byakko's Haidate, Walahra Turban, and maybe some Dusk Gloves/Feet/Unicorn Boots for additional Haste swapping into for TP gain, over damage gear. Tack on a Swift or Speed Belt if you can.
3:Macros macros macros's all about the macros. Swap gear for Enmity, swap gear for TP gain, swap gear for using WS. It's not all about what you see on your body when standing around town. You should be using every possible slot in your macro pallettes to optimize your effeciency in every possible aspect.
4:All you need is a little Haste equipment(10% is fine), and Haste from an external source to tank everything but the greatest HNM out there. Should be about 25% total Haste, which'll get you around your Utsusemi recasts, and make your damage output high enough to hold hate.
5:Please change your job, because you are only half a WAR if you can't tank and damage.
First of all, Moron, I asked for a video, where is it? I think you are COMPLETELY full of bs, and "trying" to look cool, and failing miserably. If you have proof, lets see it. Secondly, equip swap macros sound nice on paper, but for anyoen who USES them, not a moron like you who talks about them, knows that it is VERY impractical to use LOTS of equip swapping macros, ESPECIALLY if you are tanking, which you are CLAIMING (lying) to do. [1] If you swap gear often, your mages lose you as a target, causing you to die from not getting a cure off on you in time [2] if you swap macros constantly, you are left with the wrong gear on unles you have a "swap back" macro, and if you do, that means, every time you hit one macro, you have to hit a second macro, and then if lag comes into play, it COMPLETELY messes everything up. [3] I'm sure you are probably a lvl 10 warrior, playign on his mommies computer, trying to look cool, because you have NO CLUE about how the job and equipment work, and I suggest shutting your mouth, growing up and actually PLAYING the job before you make assinine assumptions abotu things you have no clue about. ONCE AGAIN, PROVE ME WRONG! Lets see a video, and until then, you're only stating that you're a liar and a coward for not standing your ground and bs'ing everyone here.
First post, long time reader and this is what I have to say on the subject:
Your actually the moron thinking that wars can't tank. I'm 75 War/Nin and i've tanked plenty of mobs @ Bhaflau Thickets. It's all about the macro's man, and to think that changing macros constanly to enhance ur chars performance is stupid then that's stupid. And it's not really alot of macro's to choose from, really just 3.
Ur haste macro will be ur best bet and will be on 75% of the time, so there's not much switching. Having ur whm or rdm in pt will give you additional haste and faster tpgain/shadow casting. My War/nin has 9% haste gear and I successfully tank @ Caedarva Mire and Bhaflau Thickets. You can even keep ur hauby for tanking (-10 Eva will not be a difference on 75+ level's anyways). I feel that all the new war relic are for a special 4th macro, an enhancement macro. If your a true war you'll know that ur gear is a key for ur war to be successful. U guys should rejoice instead of complaining about war relic, cause it's the only way we can enhance any of our abilities without merits. Just put all ur war relic in a 4th macro:
4. Enhancement macro
When battle starts I usually Berserk, Agressor @ beginning, just macro on ur war relic, berserk agressor, macro to haste/dd gear, that simple; it's not rocket science.
I envy war's who have relic armor, and shake my head when they do nothing with it. And I shake my head at you for thinking that war's are only used for DD. When the time comes we're on call for everything, you shouldn't just limit yourself to what others feel, in this case, war's only DD'ing.
And yese I'll show you a video of me tanking @ caedarva mire and bhaflau thickets when I get a chance too.
ya hes definitely right 25% haste is so much and utsusemi ni with that much haste is so cheap its basically a hack lol if whm can tank id think war can too and never say whm cant tank
This is the only item worth tanking in other than Kirin's Osode when it comes to HNMs.
You're retarded to think that a Warrior can't tank anything higher than level 75. I have personally seen a single Warrior tank all four gods, and kite Kirin better than most of the Ninja and Paladins in the alliance. You're cooky, yo.
I'm not tanking in this. I have it, but i'll tank in my Hauberk for extra DD power. Maybe my Fighter's Lorica if I need to blood tank. It's pretty mediocre in every stat, and excels in nothing.
Not gonna make a video just to prove some lackluster WAR wrong, though. Keep Dual Wielding your Axes at level 10, and throwing your 5 damage Raging Axes, because you can't be bothered to level your Great Axe.
No. The Warrior's Lorica can be dropped by any of the mobs of Dynamis-Xarcabard just like every other AFv2 while the Count Zaebos, one of the NM that you have to kill to pop the Dynamis Lord (there's one for each job and the good ol' Zaebos is a Warrior), has slightly more chances to drop it.
My linkshell got 3 Warrior's Lorica in the last 5-6 months and all of them were dropped by Count Zaebos.
I've never seen the Dynamis Lord drop any AFv2 but I'm pretty sure that it could since someone already screenshotted that and on the other hand we killed him only two times.
I've never noticed any upgrade of the Accuracy bonus gained using Aggressor, while wearing my Lorica but it isn't anything that can be proven easily like say, an Attack or Defense increase. Anyhow, following the logic, I'd say that it just lowers the amount of Evasion lost by activating Aggressor, just like the Warrior's Calligae lowers the Defense loss when Berserk is up.
Or it just might be a mistery like the "ehnances Warcry" trait of Warrior's Mask (more lenght? More hate? For sure it doesn't give any more attack point), who knows.
Searain is my Warrior idol and 1 of the best on our server <.< lol. War being my 2nd job to 75 I'm gonna love getting these pieces beacause there aren't that many ppl out there for them.
it enhances aggressor by lower the eva lost when u use but makeing the acc you get from it go up more. Also you can call it AF2 or relic all that matters is that it drops from DL and its an extreamly rare drop so anyone going for it i wish you the best of luck. Last thing dont sell the dynamis currency for 30-50k its only worth round 10-20k got it?
technicly its relic not af2. af2 is comp slang so you dont have to type relic. i think se would have confused alot of ppl by haveing 2 af2s in the game aka your first af2 you know the one you get from a quest. so yes its called relic but use af2 if you like just dont mix it up as the real name
this peice is rare it seems havent ever seen it drop, where as feet and legs are common drops.. mask is really rare.. but its from windy.. which alot of af drops each run.. gloves are semi rare
ok few weeks ago we finally got this from xarb.. was funny really cus durring that same run we got PLD and SMN af, both of which we never had seen, getting all 3 of these completed our ls collection of having atleast 1 of every lvl75 af to drop :)
This piece drops in Xacabard, so far I have 3 pieces of AF2 boots, gloves and mask. Tried to get the legs from glacier but we didnt take the time to farm it for AF.
Posted:May 23 2004 at 1:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hey? is there such a thing as dragoon artifact armor 2? i bet itd look cool
Posted:May 30 2004 at 9:27 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is not AF2 this is called Relic armor and yes it drops in Dynamis hey have all relic armor for every money whm blm rdm war pal thf mnk dragooon sam ninja all have relic armor every job dose but its hard to make it drop.