I wonder whats wrong with you. No flaming or anything, star necklace is useless comparing it to a torque.
Wind Torque should be a must.
Think about it. You use Wind insruments HOW much for than String?
You can ***** out CHR anytime, as well as MP no problem.
Wind skill is useful not just for Minuets (Which you CAN merit), good for your Elegy~ing, Lullaby~ing, etc. Depending on what instrument of choice.
I bought mine for 1mil. Don't be cheap and only recongize one measly difference of which you didnt approve of. Don't get me wrong, not everyone is made of gil.
String torque is useful, obviously for those stringed instruments~ In which are used alot more rarely in most cases, still nice to have and extreamly cheap in comparison.
To each his/her own i suppose. I, personally prefer it. Comparing it to my other gears i use and the tons of merits i have it works in my favour. :)