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Auction House: Weapons - Katana

Yoto +1
(Katana) All RacesLv.46 NIN

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Guild Level: Journeyman
Turned in for: 1350 Guild Points
Max Guild Points obtained: 4960 (3.7x)

Made from Yoto Recipes:

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well worth it
# May 11 2007 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
normal yoto here sell for 8000-10000 and +1 go for 60k-65k
# Nov 03 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
about what alchemy lv can you start HQing these?
Why to get the +1
# Dec 20 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Excellent
190 posts
All of the Additional Effect weapons have a base 10% chance of adding the effect. On +1 Versions of weapons, this increases to 20% (just like all of the other base status improve such as damage and delay). Purchasing a +1 version of an Additional Effect Katana (dual wield) raises the odds to 40% hit per melee round (two swings). After two melee rounds, the status effect will likely kick in.

On the "Weakens Defense" effect, the effect stacks. Many RNG rave about the effect of Acid Bolts have when stacked with Darksteel bolts and the Othinus Crossbow. The Yoto +1 works the same way. Not only do you deal more and more damage per hit that the effect kicks in on, but all other melee damage dealers also benifit from the effect. That makes these Katana very popular.

Remember that when you outgrow any equipment, you can always sell it back for what you purchased it for.
RE: Why to get the +1
# Jun 15 2006 at 6:26 PM Rating: Excellent
That's not how math works...
if you have 20% chance the effect will go off, then you have an 80% chance that it will not... in each hand
so to figure out the chance that either will proc you find out the chance that neither will proc and then subract that from 1 and then multiply for the percentage

so 1 - (.8 * .8) = .36 * 100 = 36% proc rate with 2 20% weapons
RE: Why to get the +1
# Apr 12 2005 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry about double post!!!

Edited, Tue Apr 12 13:06:04 2005
RE: Why to get the +1
# Apr 12 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
I can give you a little info upon your great post! (rated up) I just got 2 of these signed by my best friend who made them for free for me. I went from a weak hittin ninja (great tank) to a great DD ninja! What I did was use these with meat miths for more attack, then attacked for around 50's each hit in crawlers nest vs beetles and scorpions. I got defense down I'd say every 6th hit or so. Sometimes i got it back to back tho. Could easily see the difference.
# Nov 14 2004 at 7:35 PM Rating: Default
i would pay good money(gil) to get 2 of these considring it weakens defense making it easier to fall an enemy. also since it's +1 you'll do extra dmg and hit faster.

Benn-Ifrit server-rank 3
# Jun 23 2004 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
These seem to be very popular, while a normal Yoto sells for 3000 gil these sell on a regular basis for 35000-57000(highest I've seen).
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