Passive Ability details for Triple Attack  

Jobs/Level:Thief, lvl 55
MP cost:0
Cast time:Instant
Target Type:Single
Description:You have a chance of striking three times in a single attack

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Post Comment
# Mar 25 2007 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
anybody know if this would stack with a double attack?
An actual post on the subject
# Nov 10 2006 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
Well, somehow this link became a debate forum on fairly non-related subject matter (like the last post from a guy who suggested dual weild is an average of both weapon's delays...apparently he's never played this game)

I am posting this to hopefully lend my personal insight on the original topic: Triple Attack; a passive trait that gives the user a chance at attacking three times consecutively.

Some questions (or questionable replies) on the subject, from my experiences as a 75 THF.

Q: Does it "stack" with Dual Wield?
A: Yes, I.e. there is a chance of hitting six times in one attack. Furthermore,
it can proc. on either weapon, a discovery I made while breaking the latent
on the Heart Snatcher (sometimes I'd get 13, 27, 28, 27; and sometimes I'd
get 13, 12, 14, 30)
Q: Does it proc. as much as Double Attack
A: You wish...I play 75 SAM/WAR when I'm not using my THF, and I dare say it
proc.'s maybe 1/2 as much (pre-merit)
Q: Why would there be a dagger with Triple Attack+ 1% 4 levels before THF gets
Triple Attack?
A: Any food/item that has +, +%, or "enhances the effect of..." does not
require the base ability in order to proc. In other words, using the
afforementioned dagger will give you a small taste of the Triple Attack
ability. I have tested this as a 51 THF, a SAM/THF using AF+ tonosoma
riceballs (gets you double attack..no, NOT zanshen (sp)) and the Staurobow
as THF/NIN (gets you Demon Killer)

Finally, the reason I wanted to post in the 1st place (before I read these rediculous posts): I recently added 2% to my Triple Attack rate via merits, and noticed a large boost to the proc. rate of it (more than 2%), which makes me think that either the initial ability has some sort of mutliplier, or more likely that it's tiered somehow (like store tp for SAM). Anyone else experencing a similar effect, any input would be appreciated, and for all you THF's out there, I highly recommend meriting it, as I was initially thrown off by the seemingly small add (2% for 30,000 exp).
Dual wield delay
# Sep 15 2006 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
Correct me if I'm wrong,but dual weild's delay isn't an added delay of both weapons + a lvl modifier. It's an average of both delays + modifier,or so I've read. Weapon A's delay+Weapon B's delay divided by 2(as there are two weapons involved).I pulled this from the Dual Wield forum, hope it helps.

Dual Wield allows you to wield two weapons.
Delay is calculated very simply. Its an average of weapons' delays.(The concept is even easier than all other methods suggested on this post, #1 delays are not added, why?... because damage output is not doubled, #2 there is not a damage boost hidden into dual wield with high delays, why?... because delays are clearly decreased directly by a % adding a damage boost would only make dual wield too significantly strong an ability)
e.g. Weapon #1 - 200delay
Weapon #2 - 250delay
Overall delay is 200+250=450/2=225delay
Once you get to the second tier DW is where it becomes more effective. More #s:
e.g. Weapon #1 - 200delay
Weapon #2 - 250delay
Delay - 15% from overall delay
Overall delay is
200+250=450/2=225-15%=191.25 or 191
This continues on for the rest of the dual wields, in the end DWIII gives -25% & DWIV gives a -30% which may seem like a lot but the fact is that when you DW you DO NOT do dmgx2. If you did delay would need to be increased not decreased otherwise Ninja would be overpowered and be "Nerfed" as some refer to it as. This can be tested by yourself, use two weapons that are the same and see if you do double damage. So from 10-24 DWing is not extremely effective. Another fact, in order to recieve the dual wield -delay effect you MUST be dual wielding. I know this may sound like a "duh" but I have had some people ask this for one reason, Sam/nin imagine a GKT with -25% delay!!! Other scenario imagine if you could have katana or whatever weapon in one hand and nothing in the other but still punch, you would in theory still earn the -delay but since your off hand has no delay you have just cut your delay in half and decreased it further if your high enough lvl. Ninja at higher lvls can be a very strong DD as katana delay only goes down as weapon lvl goes up. Also dmg is calculated off the main hand weapon. Always have your highest dmg weapon in main hand and try to keep as low as delay of weapon in sub hand. this is why you see Thief and Redmage with hornet needle in off hand. Will try this weekend for some concrete #s on how damage is calculated. Hope this is useful. Enjoy DW

Also Dual Wield IS two seperate attacks, not one Dumb slow attack,if it were one attack, you would either hit or miss,but you can clearly miss one and land the other.How's that one attack? Triple attack can and will occasionally proc on both attacks when dual wielding,much like a mnk/warr getting a double proc on both swing those throwing 4 swings at a mob.This is not speculation,go watch a mnk/warr @ lvl.50 or a thf/nin @ lvl. 55

Edited, Sep 15th 2006 at 11:40am EDT by insomniacsdad

Edited, Sep 15th 2006 at 11:44am EDT by insomniacsdad
Dual wield delay
# Nov 06 2006 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
You're damage isn't doubled. That would mean that your DW had a delay reduction of 50%, which would require some pretty heavy gear even with a post 65 nin with DW IV.

Don't believe me? They say that for every 60 delay, that's one more second that it takes to attack. Lets say you have a dagger with 180 delay and it hits for an average 20 hp. That's 3 seconds between attacks. Now lets say you have 2 of that same dagger, duel wielding using DW II which has a delay reduction of 15%. So you're delay would be 360 - (360 x .15) or 306, which is roughly a two swipe attack every 5.1 seconds for an average damage of 40 hp. Where as if you were single handing the dagger, two single swings would take 6 seconds for that same average of 40 damage. Assuming you land 100% of your hits, this equates to roughly 17-18% increase in damage every 102 seconds. Clearly not double the damage, but you would have somewhat greater DOT.

Also, even DW 1 has a delay reduction. Its 10%, so DW 1 does offer a small advantage to single hand wielding from 10-24, or 20-49 if you're subbing nin.
Dual wield delay
# Nov 06 2006 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
You're damage isn't doubled. That would mean that your DW had a delay reduction of 50%, which would require some pretty heavy gear even with a post 65 nin with DW IV.

Don't believe me? They say that for every 60 delay, that's one more second that it takes to attack. Lets say you have a dagger with 180 delay and it hits for an average 20 hp. That's 3 seconds between attacks. Now lets say you have 2 of that same dagger, duel wielding using DW II which has a delay reduction of 15%. So you're delay would be 360 - (360 x .15) or 306, which is roughly a two swipe attack every 5.1 seconds for an average damage of 40 hp. Where as if you were single handing the dagger, two single swings would take 6 seconds for that same average of 40 damage. Assuming you land 100% of your hits, this equates to roughly 17-18% increase in damage every 102 seconds. Clearly not double the damage, but you would have somewhat greater DOT.

Also, even DW 1 has a delay reduction. Its 10%, so DW 1 does offer a small advantage to single hand wielding from 10-24, or 20-49 if you're subbing nin.
Dual wield delay
# Sep 29 2006 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
Wow. DW is the added delay of both weapons.

Dual wield delay
# Sep 29 2006 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
Wow you're dumb. DW IS the added delay of both weapons. Your damage is effectively doubled, because you attack twice.
Dual wield delay
# Mar 29 2007 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
986 posts
Your damage is doubled? Derrr, more like increased by the effect of dual wield, i.e. with dual wield 1 you'd do 10% more damage with two of the same weapon than with one equipped.
nooo <.<
# Jun 01 2006 at 6:09 AM Rating: Default
271 posts
THF/NIN = 2 x 3 = 6 attacks in a row.
THF/WAR = 1 x 2 x 3 = 6 attacks in a row.
Though THF/WAR gets far better tp because double attack goes of more often then triple attack, and the delay on 1 dagger will be much shorter then with 2. I'm a THF/NIN I don't really sub war, because THF/NIN is cooler <.< But, i've tryed THF/WAR gives better tp, but there are to many disadvantages with subbing war. And /NIN is cooler <.<
Razhel / Cerberus
:: 75 Thief :: 75 Red Mage :: Warrior 75 ::
Razhel Dazzel / Wutai

nooo <.<
# Sep 10 2006 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,983 posts
Multi-attacks cannot proc off of a multi-attack that's already going off. That's how the game mechanics work. So if you're on a triple attack or a double attack, it's gonna finish that and it's not going to factor the possibility of having a double attack or triple attack in there. Then when you start a normal swing, it has the possibility of going double or triple.

THF/NIN before the TP nerf was better with TP due to more tp gained with less delay. Even since the TP nerf, it has caused a penalty, but it still remains that you do get somewhat of a bonus of increased tp gain from the -delay, although just not as much.
RE: nooo <.<
# Jun 17 2006 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
159 posts
Thf/Nin = 1 x 3 + 1 = 4 attacks in a row you don't get triple attack on each dagger just on one.
Thf/War = 1 x 3 + 1 = 4 attacks in a row only if Triple and Double attack go off on the same roll. Which I don't know if thats possible or not.

The advantage to /war is more str and attack, plus the extra TP you would get from both Double and Triple attack on consecutive turns, and faster attack speed from only one dagger. Triple attack then a double attack could potentially net you 25% TP. /nin can only get you 20% at the very most.
RE: nooo <.<
# Jul 03 2006 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent

swing one scores triple attack, 3 hits
swing two scores triple attack, 3 hits


Swing one scores double attack
swing one scores triple attack, 3 hits
swing two scores triple attack, 3 hits
lvl 55
# Apr 27 2006 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
dammit, lol i was hoping that you get this skill at level 50 and i was devastated when i found out that u needed lvl 55 for it.... oh well.. more the reason to keep lvling my thief, which is now THF50/NIN25 :D currently doing LB1...
55 COR
# Mar 29 2006 at 6:19 AM Rating: Default
SE said one of the abilities CORs will be able to boost(depending on who else you have in the PT) is Double attack. Any way.. if CORs get to boost the PT with Triple Attack post-55 than THFs will become a lot more wanted. Think about abunch of Melees with Triple and Double attack.
thf 55
# Sep 28 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
244 posts
finally thf 55^^
55 Triple attack
# Sep 03 2005 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
Everyone says that with triple attack and dual weild, they do more hits, me, being a THF/RNG i say that Triple attack does not make a difference when used with dual weild.
RE: 55 Triple attack
# Apr 05 2006 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
i havent seen triple attack work when i have duel wield
RE: 55 Triple attack
# Oct 05 2005 at 1:11 PM Rating: Default
ive hitten up to 18 times in a row before, due to triple attack striking both daggers 3 times in a row...i'd say your thought on this one is uncomplete.
RE: 55 Triple attack
# Jan 30 2007 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
502 posts
Xuneshi wrote:
ive hitten up to 18 times in a row before, due to triple attack striking both daggers 3 times in a row...i'd say your thought on this one is uncomplete.

RE: 55 Triple attack
# Oct 29 2008 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
I dunno about the last posters 18 swings in a row but I have on multiple occassions had 12 swings in a row. The first time this happened I was shocked and amazed, now I wait for it to happen cause it looks so cool. THF just keeps swinging without stopping 12 swings, its a beautiful thing. Time to go merit triple attack some.
RE: 55 Triple attack
# Jul 04 2006 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
at 50, your sub becomes 25, thus giving you DUAL WEILD II from ninja sub, delay of both weapons is reduced by 15%, so with ninja sub, you actually get more swings over time, thus opening more opportunity of scoring a triple attack
Recently hit 55
# Aug 23 2005 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
707 posts
This trait is 'GOLD'. Like someone else mentioned, Both weapons hit a triple attack, then again in the swings right after it. IT feels like NO delay, and you see 8 or so swings in a row.

I got some VERY nice " o.O " faces from my farming buddies after that one ^^
No delay added.
# Mar 26 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I've landed triple attack on both weapons from dual weilding, then had a triple attack in the next set of attacks. To be honest, I felt like I was a Monk using Hundred Fists. It also seems to me that there is absolutely NO delay added to the extra 2 attacks you get. I've only had it for one level (56 right now), and I'm loving it...when it occurs..-_-; It usually doesn't happen as often as I wish it would, oh well. I guess I'm just unlucky.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 27 2005 at 6:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ok listen, double attack isnt 2 attacks, and triple attack isnt 3 attacks, double attack just gives you one extra attack and triple attack gives you 2 extra attacks, thats y when combined they do 4 attacks, normal swing + 1 + 2. and while dual weidl is typicaly worthless because as said it isnt 2 attacks the delay combines, but think about it, 2 weapons means u can have multiple stat ups, ex. centurian sword gives great stat up, but thief perfer daggers around that lvl cause of viperbite, so give a stat up dagger and the centurion sword for lvl 30.... think before u talk ****
RE: setting u all straight
# Feb 22 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
2,214 posts
I am sorry, but dual wield IS 2 attacks. You will attack once at the start of your delay, again at exactly 1/2 your delay. I personally do not have my thf up high enough to say that I have done a double triple attack, however, that was one of the reasons I had selected to do thf/nin. And my roommate has always done War/Nin and he quite regularly gets a double attack with one weapon, or a double double attack (less frequent). Dual weild quite simply will double your chances of getting double or triple attack (since you can't have both if you are subbing nin:).
So, thf/nin 55+ = 3x3 attacks (6 not 9:)
thf/war 60+ = 1 + 1 + 2 attacks (4 not 6)
Why would you sub war to thf??? Just seems crazy to me...
RE: setting u all straight
# Feb 23 2005 at 6:18 PM Rating: Good
3,162 posts
Dual Weild does NOT double your chances to Triple Attack because it takes you almost twice as long to strike twice as it does to strike once without dual weild. With Dual Weild II, your delay is the sum of both weapon's delays, plus 15% haste from DWII. Another pro for WAR sub is that it gives you Berserk to increase your DoT. However, with Dual Weild you get an extra hit in your WS, and you can benefit from stat boosts on your secondary weapon, or even weild two different weapon types (not saying that you would want to do this in an EXP party situation, but it's still a pro.)
RE: setting u all straight
# Mar 14 2005 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
2,214 posts
Ok, I do agree with the fact that dual wield does not allow you to attack twice. However, this is the same as monk. Where each attack that a monk has is treated as 1/2 their attack. Personally, when I dual weild I do consider it as me attacking twice, but I add the delay times together before I make any considerations on that fact. I do the same thing with hand to hand (though I don't really play mnk much anymore). They appear to have two attacks in the time listed for their delay, but, by your logic, it is still two distinctly different attacks. So I concede.
What I am curious about is if anyone has used a hand to hand weapon as a thf or war to see if you get the double double or double triple attack with hand to hand. I would assume that you would since, as you pointed out they are completely seperate attacks. it's more of a personal trivial question I guess. Then the next question to that would be, when you get the kick attack with mnk, does that mean you can get a double or triple kick as well? Just imagine how much dmg a war/mnk could do or a mnk/war for that matter:) up to 6 distinct attacks in their rather short delay (at around lvl 40:) The dang thing would look like a combo without the use of tp.
triple video
# Dec 09 2004 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
You'll need to download Divx to play the video.
File size is 13.5 megs. A thef speed video
using hornet needle, bravo leggings + haste.
It shows triple attack and double attack. And
about TA+DA stacking. It used to stack, but
in the new patch they took it away ><

# Nov 25 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
is there a armor / weppon that "enhances Tripple Attack" u know.... how theres a wast armor that "enhansces Duell Wield"

P.S. sorry for spelling errors >_<
Stack with...
# Nov 22 2004 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
566 posts
Does Triple Attack stack with WSes, or Double Attack?
GaMeSTa's ALMOST kinda right...^
# Sep 13 2004 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
My imagination took me as a level 63 Thief with 31 Ninja, dual-weilding a Kraken club [Level 63]on Weapon slot 1, and Hornetneedle [Level 48] on Weapon slot 2.I thought..., IMAGINE if I got very EXTREMELY LUCKY that Triple Attack AND Kraken Club (allong with its 8 hits) land on the first 2 hits. Just the first two 2 hits^^ So, here's what it adds up to:

As soon as engaged in battle, from FIRST SWING:
***Kraken Club swings/hits and Hornetneedle Dagger swings/hits
[Hit Counter: 2 hits]

Right after the first kraken swing hits the enemy, triple attack IMMEDIATELY takes place after dagger made contact with the enemy. So... <triple attack> means
club swings/hits and dagger swings/ hits [4th]
club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [6th]
(3rd counting the first set of swing)

This being said, Kraken Club's 8 hits also took effect (***we're still on the first swing^^)
during the last Triple attack, therefore the <kraken effect> means

1]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [8th]
2]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [10th]
3]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [12th]
4]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [14th]
5]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [16th]
6]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [18th]
7]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [20th]
8]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [22th]

(Phew...) Now the second swings' effect:
Triple Attack lands on your second hit [the Hornetneedle Dagger], therefore resulting in another
<triple attack effect> which means
club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [24th]
club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [26th]
(3rd of the Triple Attack counting the VERY first set-hit)

The second hit also triggered the Kraken club, resulting in another <kraken club effect>
1]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [28th]
2]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [30th]
3]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [32nd]
4]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [34th]
5]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [36th]
6]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [38th]
7]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [40th]
8]club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [42nd]

To sum things up, if you were very lucky enough for Triple Attack + Kraken Club [alongs with 8 hits full effect] on your FIRST TWO hits, you WILL end up with 42 hits to be exact.

(Keep in mind as time passed, so does your Weapon Delay, which means you're actually not counting the next 2 or three free normal hits:
NEXT normal attacks due to <time of delay>
club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [44th]
club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [46th]
club swings/hits and dagger swings/hits [48th]

Then again, who would be LUCKY enough to have Triple Attack AND Kraken Club FX land on their first two hits^^?

Houdini Fairy Server
Wookie Fairy Server
Stop. Say Hi. Then Bye.^^

Edited, Mon Sep 13 10:02:14 2004
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 23 2004 at 5:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You missed one little thing... the Kraken Club is considered a Staff (even though it's called a "Club" @_@) so it's a two-handed weapon, i.e. no dual-wielding it ~.~
RE: GaMeSTa's ALMOST kinda right...^
# Nov 25 2004 at 7:31 PM Rating: Good
no.. the kraken club is considered a club.
RE: GaMeSTa's ALMOST kinda right...^
# Oct 06 2004 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
All this talking about getting many hits had me wondering, if its a % chance to triple attack, is it possible to triple attack off of skills, such as sneak attack (sneak attack +normal hit +normal hit) or are skills excluded in the chance to triple attack? also can you ONLY triple attack if you are using a dagger? can you triple attack using other weapons? my character isnt going ninja/thief in any case, i hate how everyone picks a mithra thief/ninja because of dual weild, its great and all, but since im going a different class than ninja, i was wondering if you could triple attack using different weapons (my thief is low level yet so i cantbe sure) i would apreciate any help and i hop i didnt post on the wrong area, anyways catch you on the flip side! ^_~
RE: GaMeSTa's ALMOST kinda right...^
# Dec 08 2004 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
I believe it does stack with abilities, atleast Sneak Attack. Being only level 50 THF myself I can not be 100% certain, but seeing as Double Attack does, Triple Attack should as well. When I sub WAR it happens that I get the initial Sneak hit which is then followed directly by another regular dagger hit. Needless to say the second hit does not have "Sneak Attack" status; it's just a standard blow... A pity tho... ><

Also, I see no reason Triple Attack shouldn't work with all weapons useable by THF... Again, when subbing WAR, I've gotten Double Attack as THF while weilding a sword.

I know it was awhile since you posted this, but if you still do not know, I hope this answers it to some degree.

I'll return when I hit lvl 55 to confirm or dement whether or not Triple Attack has the same preperties as Double Attack does.

Triple Dagger
# Jul 25 2004 at 11:53 PM Rating: Default
Does anyone know why the Triple Dagger (+1% Triple Attack) is a few levels before the Triple Attack ability is even obtained?

And I highly doubt that Triple Attack and Double Attack stack. I'd say that if a double and triple attack were to happen at the same time, it would only do a triple attack, because somehow it has more dominance over double attack (don't ask me, it's just a theory), but they would occur at random times, separately. And each time that they would occur at the same time, the triple attack would be the default attack... Maybe..
RE: Triple Dagger
# Aug 04 2004 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
428 posts
triple attack and double attack actually do stack, but being a 64 THF, i have only seen it happen once in 9 levels of being able to triple attack. triple appears to cue often, and double cues about as often...but like i said, really friggin rare that they land together...why not just be a THF/NIN and dual wield? btw- when triple and double stack on the same hit, you get 4 hits...not 6.

let me demonstrate:

triple attack adds 2 additional hits
double attack adds 1 additional hit

<normal attack>
<triple attack 1>
<triple attack 2>
<double attack 1>

so its not as glorious as you think, and why not just dual wield and get 2 hits regularly, and 4 hits when triple attack procs, and 6 hits when triple attack procs on both swings.
RE: Triple Dagger
# Aug 22 2004 at 11:47 AM Rating: Default
The mistake is you cant see dual weilding as having two attacks, because the delay of both weapons is added and then a lvl modifier is thrown in to further slow you down.

So its not two attacks, but one large dumb slow attack...a weak 2hand weapon actually.

[Bone knife+1 x 2 = only 36 damage at a Delay of 360+lvl modifier AND a chance to miss one of those two attack :( ]

A single knife on the other hand...

Edited, Sun Aug 22 12:48:35 2004
RE: Triple Dagger
# Oct 30 2005 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
(this is an old post but who cares, beats doing homework) Its true that if one you have many smaller attacks each with a chance of missing, but since as you pointed out its essentially the same timing as a single larger weapon (minus DW2 etc) you also have the same chance of missing an attack, but since you have a greater number of attacks your missing is slightly less significant because your damage comes from the number of hits more than the damage per hit. I hope that makes sense... it does in my head.
# Jul 21 2004 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
so you shouldn't ever see a doubled-triple (i.e. 6 hits in one swing).

obviously youv never seen a THF/NIN land a tripple attack on both weapons, it can happen. Also it is not an upgrade of Double Attack, your theory of the Clear Mind workings, has one flaw, Clear Mind is one flat abbility between all jobs, all have same function. Meanwhile Tripple attack obviously is 3 hits, while double is 2, 2 different abilitys can sync, not all but this does. You can get a doubled-tripple, ive seen it, though it is VERY rare to come uppon.
It does work...
# Jul 17 2004 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
144 posts
First of all triple is not an upgrade of double, they are seperate abilities. I saw a thf/war get it off once, but its so insanely rare... dont waste your time
# Jun 13 2004 at 7:41 PM Rating: Default
This is a passive ability. It's an upgrade to double attack so you shouldn't ever see a doubled-triple (i.e. 6 hits in one swing). Just like the mages' Clear Mind ability doesn't stack with itself but improves over time, Triple Attack doesn't stack with its prior.
I've had a couple thf friends helping me farm quite a bit. While I've seen them triple attack two or three times in combat I've never seen them hit more then three times per swing.

Edit: sorry about spelling errors. I'm tired today.

Edited, Sun Jun 13 20:45:14 2004
RE: Passive
# Jun 24 2004 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
99 posts
nevermind. wrong thread ^^

Edited, Thu Jun 24 06:04:08 2004
double and triple
# May 11 2004 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
208 posts
I have a friend that experimented with this and he never got em both to land apparently you havem ore chance of getting struck by lightning then getting a triple and double attack just sub nin lol :)
In the morning of magicians
# Feb 29 2004 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
Chain them
# Feb 03 2004 at 9:45 PM Rating: Good
What if you could do a triple, then you double, the double sets off another triple. That'd be crazy. Like 8 hits but I am sure they don't let that happen. But it would be shweet. Then you stack a SA + TA + WS. AHAHAHAHa think of the dmg! MERCY!!
3 + 2 or 3 * 2
# Jan 19 2004 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
the real big question is how will it stack with double attack??

will it just add? so instead of one attack you get 5? 3 + 2

or will each tripple attack have a chance to double attack? producing 6 hits? 3 * 2
RE: 3 + 2 or 3 * 2
# Feb 29 2004 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
If it was 3 * 2 and you were using Kraken Club, that would be 3*2 = 6 6 * 2-8 = up to 12-42 hits, So I doubt its Multiplying, I think its jus adding

Kraken Club
11 Dmg Dly (Not sure)
Occasionally attacks 2-8 times

Edited, Sun Feb 29 11:26:51 2004
RE: 3 + 2 or 3 * 2
# Jun 01 2004 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
42 hits does seem odd

btw..6x8 is 48
# Jan 06 2004 at 3:38 AM Rating: Default
Will it stack with double attack??
RE: stack
# Feb 04 2004 at 6:09 PM Rating: Default
It does stack with double attack.
RE: stack
# Jan 07 2004 at 10:26 PM Rating: Default
i dont think it will, i do know it staks with ninja duel wield, and thats a sight to behold
Triple Attack
# Dec 24 2003 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
Triple Attack goes off about as much as Double Attack, yes. I was watching a 55-ish thief fighting sabertooths the other day and she was hitting them thrice a whole lot. Pretty awesome actually.
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