So I decided to have a go at the entire Windy mission as far as I can soloing. Now I have a pretty good job set to carry that out, and so far the only mission I needed a group for was M5-1 Skeleton BC. So that's the backstory anyway.
Anyhow, I went to down this NM on my NIN72/DNC30, thinking it should be a piece of cake, since I cleared my tonberry hate beforehand too. Well, it isn't particularly hard I must admit, but you have to keep your eyes open and anticipate all the moves he will pull off, because one oopsie, and you will be licking the temple ground.
My mistake was failing to take into account the tonberry TP wiping move. With my TP gone, there was NO WAY I could stop the -ga other than pray my melee hits will interrupt him... as if you could interrupt a NM casting... =/
So while Everybody's Rancor did a grand total of 0 damage, I ate a ThundergaII, took a melee hit, and promptly ate a BlizzardIII before I could get my shadows up (-ga wiped my freshly casted Ni), so I was licking the temple ground that day... /sigh
Think I'll just go SAM and zerg him...