K just to make sure anyone knows if they look here. I went and helped a friend kill this just now on my 75 blm.... it was a joke it went down in 3 nukes on windsday. Gravity stuck after I opened with Tornado II > Freeze II > Thunder IV. I put up RR and stoneskin, blink, phalanx but not needed, just run in nuke and leave. ^^
Ok how hard this NM is is a myth. i went with a 75Rdm just incase went there as a 54Blu/Whm. My hits alone were doin about 60 damage a hit. And seeing that i got whm subbed i shouldnt be touching that sort of damage. Used 1 Jetstream which done 238 damage which took about 1/8th of his life. Maybe im wrong but alot of people go there in a party so im not sure if its different dpending on yer setup.
I feel i could of soloed this guy so give it a go.
This guy was is too easy. I went in 75 RDM/Blu and beat the bananas outta him without losing any HP. Cocoon + Phalanx + Stoneskin + Protect IV and he couldnt do a thing against me. He missed me alot and never dropped my stoneskin. I did have 546 def to go with that SS though. None-the-less the walk there was harder then he was. And if I had to guess his lvl hes mid to upper 50s. I hear that if u bring friends into this fight though u will see more then one of these spawn. I went in by myself, and he was all alone. I have heard of peeps having to fight 2 of these kind of mobs though. Most jobs 70+ should have no probs with him
i wanna help a blu friend, but... im gonna b 57/58 by the time she gets all the parts done, hear 74blm can solo, but i wanna duo, she could go as her blu(idr lvl) or 60 brd, ill have to try