Vana'diel Bestiary: Maze Maker  

Found in:Maze of Shakhrami
Level:18 - 21
  • Not Aggro
  • Linking
  • Detects by Sound
  • Based on Earth
  • Weak against Light
  • Weak against Wind
  • Strong against Earth
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Updated: Fri Dec 28 16:26:12 2007

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smn soloing
# Jun 01 2007 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
i've been soloing with my smn lately, which is level 14, and i was wondering where a good place to go solo worms might be. i went to the maze, but all of those worms conned as IT. i tried to fight one, but it was too tough. are there easier maze makers somewhere? i was just fighting them right at the zone from tahrongi canyon into the maze. thanks!
# Jul 22 2005 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
I been leveling smn on these since level 10. I cook my own juice while avitar fights and have minimal downtime. I do recommend a partner or more because I have had times where the worm will go under while I was summoning a new avitar, carby will last a little longer but air spirit does more damage for the short time it is out. I do not recommend fighting these in melee fashion since hit hard and cause more downtime. and if you fight them in partys keep the party separate for stonega. Milk regens Hp good for rasp. silence is good to use on it. these do link but are non aggressive, however there is goblins nearby that are very aggressive so I recommend staying in the tunnel to the right as you enter. Avitars don't get aggro so you can sneak into the rooms to /pet attack then return to safe spot. If you are close enough the next avitar will engage without needing a command. In partys you can clean these up quickly and get some decent shains with minimal downtime. gonna try these with my new NPC and see how it fares against these, I am hoping that it wont think to much on it's own.
my 2 gils
well as
# Jan 20 2005 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
the best pt set up could be (for level 10-11 partys)

rdm or whm
and a tank (pld maybe?)

this is ALL u need to do.

blm's nuke...but dont go overbord.

whm or rdm heal when nesisary

rng unload on arows and run back away from agro/spell range (those who solo here know what i mean)

and the tanke just provoke and say away from meelee range, and stonga range.

and that my friends is the "Fool Proof Way To Party on Maze Makers"

what level?
# Jan 15 2005 at 8:40 PM Rating: Excellent
1,090 posts
What is the lowest level party that can start to fight these? (BLM heavy parties)

lets say

I want to take these at level 10 if possible, can I with that type of a set up?
gold ore
# Dec 29 2004 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default
does this thing seriously drop gold ore? or is this a typo?
Weaker Against Fire (Sometimes?)
# Jul 20 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
I know the bestiary says they are weak against Light and Wind, but I usually (BLM 15) hit it for more damage with Fire than Wind. While Aero never did more than 36, I had a Fire hit it for 40 and 43 on a regular basis. However sometimes I would hit one with fire and do less than 10 everytime so I would switch to Aero. Anyone else have similar results?
RE: Weaker Against Fire (Sometimes?)
# Feb 14 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Fire has a higher cap than aero does, so it would most likely hit harder
MM's = easy.
# Jul 09 2004 at 11:49 AM Rating: Default
140 posts
A party of 3 and I went looking for these MM's (we were all lvl 8-11 taru BLMs - 2 had lvl 5 WHM support jobs). We had one of the WHMs cast Barstonra on us, so that Stonega wouldn't do much damage. We'd just sit as far away as possible from the MM and just keep on casting spells. We died about 2 times a piece, but one of the higher-lvled white mages raised us each time. We got 200 xp (each) for every time we killed the MM. Easy lvlup.
MM's = easy.
# Jul 09 2004 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
140 posts
A party of 3 and I went looking for these MM's (we were all lvl 8-11 taru BLMs - 2 had lvl 5 WHM support jobs). We had one of the WHMs cast Barstonra on us, so that Stonega wouldn't do much damage. We'd just sit as far away as possible from the MM and just keep on casting spells. We died about 2 times a piece, but one of the higher-lvled white mages raised us each time. We got 200 xp (each) for every time we killed the MM. Easy lvlup.
MM's = easy.
# Jul 09 2004 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
140 posts
A party of 3 and I went looking for these MM's (we were all lvl 8-11 taru BLMs - 2 had lvl 5 WHM support jobs). We had one of the WHMs cast Barstonra on us, so that Stonega wouldn't do much damage. We'd just sit as far away as possible from the MM and just keep on casting spells. We died about 2 times a piece, but one of the higher-lvled white mages raised us each time. We got 200 xp (each) for every time we killed the MM. Easy lvlup.
MM's = easy.
# Jul 09 2004 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
140 posts
lol sorry bout the quad post =/ didnt think my post worked

Edited, Fri Jul 9 12:51:01 2004
# May 28 2004 at 7:32 PM Rating: Excellent
103 posts
Able to solo even match and tough cons as a level 18 WHM, with about 35-50mp left over... 100exp for even, 120 or 140 exp for toughs

Just start things off with a silence and dia, then keep pumping it with banish until the dia and/or silence run out, then recast them. Toughs were getting 0-4 spells cast the whole fight, and stonega only does a max of about 55 damage. When there's no one in the maze, it's easy to continue hunting them for good exp.

Edited, Fri May 28 21:04:13 2004
RE: Soloing
# Jun 01 2004 at 7:27 AM Rating: Excellent
103 posts
Also found it possible to solo defeat Tough cons with a 14BLM/7WHM, which I'm currently doing to net 200exp per.

Bio + Aero + Dia + Aero + Poison + Aero + Water + Aero, etc.

Just partied with a lvl 14 summoner/7 white mage. VTs and ITs are both possible and yield 200 exp per. Ts only yield 120 exp. Her Carbuncle's doing 6-10 damage per hit on the IT, I'm using same spell attack technique, and she's healing when stonega gets cast. Very effect gameplan

Edited, Tue Jun 1 10:59:43 2004
do worms ever silence the mages?
# Apr 15 2004 at 9:02 AM Rating: Default
116 posts
do these worms wear some INT -100 item on them? when we fought them, they always Silenced our warrior. why wouldnt they cast Silence on the mage? i mean, is there some special distance or other limitation, or is it just because the mages never aggroed the worms enough to deserve a personalized attack?
RE: do worms ever silence the mages?
# Jun 14 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,824 posts
I'm not sure about these specific worms, but I know several have a special attack called sound vacuum that silences the target. If your tanks were doing their job right, they had aggro and were silenced instead of you.
Party of Mages
# Mar 16 2004 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
In my party there are 5 blms and a whm (all at either lvl 11 or 12) and we can take down a Maze Maker under a minute without any deaths or serious injuries.

Edited, Tue Mar 16 18:57:49 2004
low level tips
# Mar 15 2004 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
Here's my ideal group for low levels hoping to take MMs: 4 BLMs above level 9 (because Water/Stone spells are useless i've only seen aero do dmg)WHM with cure 2 if possible, and WAR (or war sub that can use voke). Battle plan: one BLM poisons while WAR vokes, other BLMs start casting Aero. WHM heals only if Rasped or Stonega'd (stone you can deal with). WAR Vokes every time the ability is up but doesn't melee, but they can use a bow if they are good with it (no use wasting gil on arrows that aren't going to hit)
thats basically how i found it easy, i leveled 9-12 in mere hours this weekend
BLM10 Tips
# Mar 06 2004 at 12:34 AM Rating: Excellent
1,892 posts
OK not recommended because of the loss of exp due to the 200 cap, but BLM10's can take these easy enough if you have the time and patience to kil it a certian way.

All I've been doing for the past few hours is casting Bio, run, then come back and probe for the region where it will start to cast, but you will be out of range so it won't get you. Now wait for it to cast, then 1-2 secs later run in abit cast Water/Aero then run back a few steps. Use markings on the floor to define the safe area. By doing it this way you can see when the Maze Maker can and can't attack and attack it during it's recovery time.
RE: BLM10 Tips
# Jul 09 2004 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
140 posts
Argonaut, the MM's barely cast at all. We just water / aero chained it, and it seemed to cast Stone a few times (not much damage), Stonega once, and Rasp on the first player that attacked it.
Ultimate Anti-MM party
# Feb 23 2004 at 4:35 AM Rating: Decent
I have experienced, without a doubt, the best party for fighting Maze Makers. It consisted of:

Myself: Lvl 12 RDM


a Lvl 11 BLM.

That's it. I stayed back and healed him until he ran out of MP, then I would cast Dia and poison, followed by water, until I was out of mp. By then, he was finished healing. The reason this worked was because we stayed just out of casting range, stepping in only to cast, and then retreating. Every now and then one of us would get hit with stone or stonega, but it wasn't really a problem.

This is a really effective technique, and I can't tell you how many times i've been in parties that just don't get the idea. It works, as long as you know where your casting range is.
Party Config
# Feb 22 2004 at 8:42 PM Rating: Default
Best party config : 3 Blms alternating between aero and either water or fire, depending on lvl, 2 whms healing the tank as soon as they can, and one tank voking every 30 seconds like clockwork. Make sure you have protect and barstone on, and the battle should be under a minute, with 2 or 3 before mages have to rest. Easy way to get from 10-16, possibly in a night, if you get on a groove.
RE: Party Config
# Feb 22 2004 at 8:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Heh..that was me...created an account!
# Jan 24 2004 at 6:57 PM Rating: Default
Include a ranger with all those mages. Ranged attacks that hit for more damage then a blm with no med time (just a lot of gil for arrows) will make taking these down a lot easier with your mage party. Sorry melees dont fare so great against them without help...but silence and a few mages firing spells and a ranger or 2 firing arrow = easy as pie.
Full Force Hit
# Dec 21 2003 at 6:57 PM Rating: Default
They also tend to do this nasty full-force hit thing that can hit in the 65-110 range.
Worms = good exp
# Dec 02 2003 at 10:28 PM Rating: Excellent
Alright, these worms are Black Mages, and have a varitey of spells they enjoy casting:

Rasp: -5 dex , HP decreases for about 40 seconds, at 1 hp every 2-3 seconds. You're unable to sit and heal while this is on, just like posion, which makes it a pain in the ***

Accuracy reduction: Lowers your accuracy. Not sure how much this effects a melee, because i play a WHM

Stone: Hits me for around 18-22 damage. Maybe more depending on your magic def + resists.

Bind: Stops you in your place. Very deadly if you're caught low on life.

Stonega: This is the reason why MM (maze Makers) are so feared. Hits the group for 65+ damage.

They melee for around 30-40 damage, and have three attack skills to my knowledge.

Sandspin: 30-40 damage, and causes blind?

[b]Gastic Bomb:[b] Has a little big of a range to it, deals aroudn 50-70 damage

[b]Tremor:[b] PBAoE attack (thats Point Blank Area of Effect for all those who didnt play everquest} not sure what it hits for.

Good thing about these guys - like all worms, they are Rooted. They Can be silenced, which makes fighting them so much easier.

Ideal party to take these down quickly is a WHM and 2 or 3 BLM's. Make sure to have Barstonera
up before you enguage in the fight. Fire seems to deal decent damage to these monsters, and banish damage really varies.
RE: Worms = good exp
# May 01 2004 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
167 posts
You're forgetting Full-Force Blow, every melee fighter's worst fear when it comes to these guys ..
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