Vana'diel Bestiary: Sewer Syrup  

Found in:Bostaunieux Oubliette
  • Notorious Monster
  • Aggro
  • Not Linking
  • Detects by Sound
  • Pursues by Scent
  • Based on Water
  • Weak against Fire
  • Strong against Water
Updated: Sat Nov 28 11:03:07 2009

Sewer Syrup Picture

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Easy Prey @99
# Jan 21 2012 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
I just Solo'ed this as 99 BST/RDM but got aggro from two Mousse it was an easy fight with links. Sewer Syrup has a mean Fluid toss I got hit for about 400 dmg w/o Stoneskin and when i had SS up i got hit for 200-. As long as your jugpet tanks your fine also I wasn't wearing any special gear. I use'd Faithful Falcorr for TH. I'm on Odin btw.Text
sam/nin solo
# Sep 23 2009 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
444 posts
...relying heavily on a lvl 70 Soothing Healer NPC buddy, with a fair amount of difficulty. SS Spawned in the back of the room with the two Haunts, so I had plenty of time to Meditate and wait for timers till the NM could be safely pulled >.>

It certainly helped that I had my NPC buddy out already having logged there the night before when the NM spawned since I had to resummmon her twice (using Tactics and Signal pearls) due to MP issues. I certainly would not have been able to manage the fight without Cures, Dia, Haste and Slow from NPC... so I'm not sure if it qualifies as a solo or not heh. I only dropped into the deep orange (600 HP) once while resummoning my NPC buddy but otherwise no really scary moments.

As for myself: Full merits on SAM using hybrid Haste/Evasion build, Hagun, Coeurl Sub and 2-hour. Fight took roughly 15 minutes so respawns from Mousses were an issue once the NM was under 10% (had to back-kite him down towards the room with the hounds.) It seemed that the Blind and Paralyze effects from Yuki and Kasha were fading faster than they normally should have, but that might owe to the duration of the fight.

Very fun, but I would not want to do it again.
pld/dnc solo
# Aug 08 2009 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
331 posts
pld/dnc soloed, took about 40 min with 2 haunt adds.
# Jul 13 2009 at 4:24 AM Rating: Good
491 posts
Just done this solo. Cleared the slimes out of the end room by meleeing them down, then when SS popped switched to sleepnuke gear and Chainspell-Thunder III'd till mp almost out, bound him, backed off, Converted. He was already at 40% by then. From there it was kite time, Bio2/Poison2/Gravity/Bind and the occasional III. One of the slimes in the next corridor came to see what was making all the noise, so had to Sleep2 it and that put my mp at a bit of a bind, so finished SS off with pure dot-kite. Killed him with a last Bio2 just as he Digested some HP off me. 12k gil and Jelly Ring, worth it for all the RDM/BLMs out there, if I can do it you surely can too.
THF soloable.
# May 15 2009 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
Just soloed this guy as THF75/NIN37. Killed the bat and Mousse in the hall and thats where i faught him. Long fight but just keep him blinded and at least two shadows up at all time. Having a Sirocco kukri is helpful because the additional damage will do the same amount if not more damage than the regular hits on your daggers. Good luck.
THF soloable.
# May 16 2009 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
139 posts
I also soloed him as THF, did have a PLD with me but only took care of repops (and gave me buffs before fight, no curing as wanted to see if I could do it) and to lot it since the ring was for him. Capped evasion > defense or attack any day, went several minutes between recasting shadows as this guy was missing all the time.
Crazy Fun!
# Apr 12 2009 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
467 posts
I'm sitting in Sandy as BST/NIN waiting to do a Crystalline Prophecy Mission when one of my buddies asks if I can assist him with Sewer Syrup. The person I'm supposed to do the mission with isn't ready yet so I say "Sure" and head down to the Oubliette.

He's on PLD/NIN...I think 72 but not sure. Anyway, I get down there and after we kill off a Mousse that's in the way, he pulls the Sewer Syrup that he's been staring at for the past 15 minutes or so. And things are not going well from the get go...he's in the red, can't get off a cure and I'm just whacking away with my Courier Carrie apologizing that I can't pull hate off of a PLD very well as BST/NIN (alright, to be honest, there was no way I was getting hate off of him).

He dies, I /cry and I say I'll try and solo it (since he doesn't have Reraise). BST/NIN is very handy for this guy but I highly recommend having 2 Rune Axes, Gaudy Harness and some kind of MP equip (I wore my Magna M Chausses). I don't know how long it took...maybe 30 minutes or more...but I used at least 10 Fish Oil Broths, all my Pet Food Zeta and popped some Tuna Sushi so I could reliably charm the Mousse while I waited for Call Beast timer to cool down. I'd jump in and attack when Carrie was up, using Snarl as needed and Utsusemi:Ni and :Ichi.

My friend had to blood port back and return (and he ended up having to do this a couple of times since he kept falling through the collapsable floors in the Oubliette...is that a new feature SE added?). Eventually, I landed a Rampage, killed the Syrup, he got his Jelly Ring and said: "You're a legend!".

It was a hard (but fun) fight. I think I really got lucky though since I had no mischarms (which is odd for Slimes).
Phew! XD
# Mar 21 2009 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
873 posts
Using Shiva's Claws and Wagh B-whatevers, since I recently NPCed my Destroyers. -.-;

Killed two or three PHs, spawned. Not too bad.
Put up the usual AF-Dodge/Focus, and boosted for a lil' Chi Blast to start the fight. Hit for 330 or so, not too bad... Until I noticed it took a mere 3% of the NM. :x

So, Hundred Fists + Formless Strikes after I called out my NPC. Unfortunately, my NPC died very quickly due to its AoE. <.<; One-hit and she was gone.
Okay... So I continue beating on it, healing when needed. Dodge was doing its job, and due to it being Iceday, the paralyze was helping.
Of course, Iceday ended shortly after the fight started, so I mostly relied on the Waghs. Got it down to 50%... And the fight was really, really dragging. I think my Hundred Fists only took it down to about 65%.

Called my NPC out again when I got low on HP, got cured a couple times... Before the thing used the AoE again. XD Goodbye NPC...
I hit the thing with the Gravity flourish to get some space between us and heal up a bit, but that didn't last long. -.-; After I crossed an intersection, a Mousse decided to park itself in the way, so I was now stuck on a narrow path between a room of undead wolfs and ghosts.
Formless Strikes was up again, so with that, I got it down to 20% or so, but I was getting lower and lower on health.

Called NPC out for a third (And final) time... Not that she helped me much. -.-; She cured me a couple times, but felt casting Protect and Haste on herself was more important than on me.
But, in the end, after a LOOOOOONG scary fight, it went down. ^^ A Mousse aggroed/linked(?) at the very end, but it was too late to change the result.

52 EXP, 12k gil, and a Jelly Ring (Thank gawd...).
Finished killing the Mousse... Followed by another one (About this time Formless Strikes was up, again). Then got the hell out of there. >.<;
fun and not hard at all
# Sep 24 2008 at 11:21 PM Rating: Decent
Decided to go after this ring because I have been using my PLD a lot more lately than usual. So I went 75SAM/37DNC and brought along a 75WHM/37BLM friend just in case. So went to spawn area and preceded to kill the PH's and such and anything in the area after to kill time. Took about three and a half hours to get sewer to pop. After he popped took him to West Ronfaure zone after fully buffing and eating food and such. Just kept up Seigan/third eye whole fight, Drain Samba II, Curing Waltz II when needed. Used Soboro for faster TP gain instead of Hagun. Used Tachi: Kasha for single WS's to keep it paralyzed, then used Tachi: Gekko > Tachi: Rana = Darkness when Sekkanoki was up to get a little extra damage. Since soboro only hit for 18-30 a swing and about 120-190 a ws. But all in all took about 15 minutes for the actual fight, took me down to 800ish hp from his fluid tosses when third eye was down. Whm maybe casted two Cure V's and a Regen III and buffs. But besides that pretty much soloed Sewer Syrup. I thought it was a lot of fun, just one more way to do it if you have DNC unlocked and sub or even at 70+ level to use to solo. Got about 12k drop and {Jelly Ring}from him and a feeling of accomplishment. The camping and killing PH's, getting Sewer to zone was a lot harder than the actual fight. So good luck to whoever goes after him next. I know he is not a 100% drop nm, but every friend I have that have gotten him and the win has gotten the ring, hmmm....

Edited, Sep 25th 2008 3:17am by Atriyuone
Easy Duo
# Aug 29 2008 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
I duo'd this today as 75 SAM/NIN and WHM/SMN.
First we cleared the mousse away and carby pulled the syrup to the lower lvl mob side of the area near where he pops.
I didnt have a particular build on gear, half haste half Dmg. I rotated between shadows and third eye, keeping siegan up at all times for when he took multiple shadows down. Third eye and shadows cancell each other out, so you just bounce between the two, 3rd eyeing when you lose all the shadows or if timer not up.

fight took maybe about 35 minutes to 40 minutes. Wasnt that bad at all.
WHM had to sleep an aspic aggro from when she was resting.. but other than that, it was a smooth fight.

GL all.
# Jul 31 2008 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
Soloed this as SAM/DNC 75 with an eva build, took me about 50 mins, Pulled it back to the tunnel with the Dark Aspic, its save there, they dont link. Need a Soboro for it to work, got me down to 300HP sometimes but was able to get back full HP. Just watch that you Walz II as soon as timer is up and Sekka Gekko - Kascha when save. Got about 45 Exp and 12k Gil as well as the ring.

spawn point
# Jul 24 2008 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
whats the spawn point, what <pos>?
# Jul 03 2008 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
My first experience with this involved raising my dead PLD friend and her group after the DRG fell asleep and she (PLD) and the WHM wied to him. They made it sound like he could not be hurt at all to physical damage.

Anyway, I went back with that PLD as RDM/NIN and we popped it in about half an hour. I kept Dia III, Slow and Bling on it. I tanked it myself and used Ice Spikes for a little extra damage and Para. Poison II would stick but not last very long so I cut it out after the first few minutes.

There were really no problems except once where it cought me with my SS down (i wasnt paying attention) and it kept Criting me. Easy overall. I got bored and verted then Nuke'd it to death at about 20%. Not too bad.

THF Solo
# Jul 20 2008 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
336 posts
With a solid EVA build (304 skill) +58 Evasion, he missed most of the time. When it did hit, he hit hard! 100-180. All the usual AOE stuff, but not too hard. The hard part is staying away from potential links. Took about 25 minutes.

Mugged for 900, it dropped 18K, Jelly Ring and two oils.

Good luck to you!
Soloed this MNK/NIN
# May 18 2008 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
802 posts
After coming down two nights ago with another MNK and a RDM friend, and seeing how easily we defeated it, I decided to try my luck on Sewer Syrup last night solo. Man, this thing was a joke. Hundred Fists + Formless Strike was 40% of it's life. By the time formless strikes wore, it was down to 30%. Granted, the last 30% was damn slow(hitting for 8-15 dmg a hit, with crits in the mid 20's, but it didn't really matter. I rarely lost shadows until he used fluid spread(taking 1-3 shadows). I had my NPC out, but she didn't heal me once, as she wasted all her MP curing herself in the early portion of the fight, until I got it so she was standing behind him and fluid spread was only hitting me.

Over-all, an easy solo for an experienced MNK/NIN with merits and good Evasion gear. My solo set-up just got a little bit better with the addition of the jelly ring :)
# Mar 31 2008 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
i just soloed this thing throwing smiles and CCs at it for an hour and 45 mins before a nin offered his help at 3%

got the drop =D

at like 80% some1 stole it from me while i was pet swapping...
so i grabbed a few bats and slimes and {leave}d them right next to her =]
so they aggroed, she died, i never saw her again ^^
Bst solo
# Mar 30 2008 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
96 posts
Solod this last night was easier then i thought with snarl now i started out with one of the nearby slimes let it kill it (so that the slime was out of the way) then i used 2hrd CC using reward every chance i got (the new reuse timer on reward helped alot) i Kept calling CC using only slimes when they were in the way run a ways away to recast /nin shadows if it agros from that just use snarl and everythings all better around 50% i desided to start fighting with pet it made the fight so much faster keeping shadows up is a must for fluid spread using snarl when i got hate and after using rampage all in all i beat it in about an hour would have been faster if i hadnt of waited to join it till 50%
Easy solo
# Feb 10 2008 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
Just fought this after soloing the Asuran fist NM for a friend.

Went as RDM/NIN 75, pulled it to Ronfaure zone, put bio2 poison2 slow2 para and blind on it and wacked at it with enhancing sword and joyeuse. Added damage from enfire was 39 on e.sword and 28 on joyeuse. I did not take a single hit during the whole fight and ended with about 350mp(started with about 670). Extremely easy solo, and probably even easier on /blm if you nuke and kite it.
Sewer Syrup
# Nov 22 2007 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know what the pop time on this NM is? I've heard 3-4 hrs and also that it's once every 12 hrs... I know it's a lottery pop, but not sure what that means or how that works...
Sewer Syrup
# Dec 11 2007 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
Solo'd as nin75/rdm37 things werent going to well in the beginning, was hitting for 12-15 then started using nin magic steady and the fight turned around. Nin spells were doing 138 a pop. His tp moves werent really going through shadows 1 and 2 at the most, had stoneskin up as well. tough little bugger about a 20-25 min fight. As far as pop times cant give any advice here, just came back a few different times and killed the mousse in the area. Also ran him to the West Ronfaure zone to avoid links and agro's.
Drain FTW!!!
# Nov 10 2007 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
So... my friend Rivian (75 pld) and I (75 rdm) were fighting this guy the other day and i converted when the NM was down to like 25% hp. Cured myself, and cast drain since they are weak to magic. I drained the NM for 346 w/o elemental seal. lol... Rivian was like "WOOT" and i imediately reported this number to my ls. Just thought it might be fun to tell other people about it. Other than that, this guy is easy.
# Nov 06 2007 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
1/1 on this guy.

Girlfriend Coralee (PLD75) and I (RDM75) camped this NM last month. We killed off the placeholders as they popped and waited about 2-3 hours for it to finally pop. Nothing too remarkable about the fight. It was long, as it has high physical defense. I {Back line job.}'d it landing the usual RDM enfeebs/DoTs including Para 2 Slow 2, kept Phalanx 2 on Coralee as she meleed it down. 300% Spirits Within was resisted hard core. It didn't hit that hard and the AoE fluid toss or whatever was not a problem, Stoneskin absorbed it all and Coralee took minimal damage. At the 1/2 way mark I Divine Sealed + Converted + Cure 4'd then popped Chainspell + Bliz 3 for the win. Dropped 6000g to both of us, Slime Oil and Jelly Ring!

Good luck to those camping the NM. =)
Thief/Ninja Solo?
# Nov 03 2007 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Ok so I soloed Sewer Syrup as 75 THF/NIN the other day. My gear is not uber by far, so I think that any thief can solo this, even without Utsusemi: Ni, even though it is recommended.

Basically what I did was go to where the NM pops while I had sneak on. This is so I can see where the jellies were, and I could kill them accordingly to time thier deaths and pops. I did this because I wanted a clear path from were the NM pops and basically the round room where the Haunt and Undead dogs spawn. This way I killed SS placeholder, then the slime that pops on that same strip near the corner, and then the slime that is in between the two rooms mentioned. SS popped and since the other slimes wouldn't pop for a while, I pulled SS between the last slime pop, and the room with undead dogs. This is so that I wouldn't Blood agro the haunts, and so that another slime wouldn't link to SS.

I faced SS with my back to the wall and had enough time to solo SS without fear of slime or haunt linking. Bats never agroed me in the first place.

The fight itself took about 20-25 minutes, because I popped a squid sushi to help me with my ranged accuracy (I knew I would be spamming Bloody Bolts), and it wore off like 5 minutes after it was dead. Spam blind bolts when blind wears, and bloody bolts to get back life. Physical weapon skills don't hurt it much, so you have to choices, Gust Slash (which has elemental dmg), or Viper Bite (which has added effect Poison). If you have vemon bolts use gust, if not use viper since the dot helps a lot. So basically its keeping shadows up and avoiding the AoE water move. (it can be blocked by shadows). I had a lvl 63 soothing healer NPC that I never had to use since it never got me lower than 75% life.

Remember that my gear was is not the best since I only use thief to BS around, farm, and tank Charybdis lol. The NM drops 18k in gil so that's pretty cool. I guess the expenses of the 1 1/2 stacks of bloody bolts and 40sh Shihei You're gonna spend during that fight.

Good luck fellow Thieves.

Long Fight!!!
# Sep 14 2007 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
I solo'd this NM early this morning as 75rdm/37nin....boy this was a long fight. I logged on around 1:15am (9/14/07) and decided to go try this NM out...I went to Bostounieux Oubliette and got to where he spawns I-11, there were 2 mousse in the tunnel leading up to the room with the 2 haunts. I slowly pulled the mouse so they wouldn't link and killed them they read as EP to me, so did the Haunts but i didn't touch them. Sewer Syrup popped maybe about 10minutes later. The fight started about 1:55am and ended 40 minutes later at 2:35am it was a long fight ;;
I kept shadows, stoneskin, refresh, haste and enfire (enfire is very helpful if you decide to melee this thing as a RDM) up the entire fight and also kept him heavily enfeebled with paralyze, slow and blind.... I pulled him with gravity and casted all enfeebles on him before he got to me and then the fight started. It is true this thing has 10k+ hp. He did do Fluid spread about 2-3 times during the fight but as long as i kept shadows and stoneskin up i was fine. I had to convert about 3 times during the fight and yes i did melee him th entire fight i guess thats why he took about 40minutes to kill, the closest i got to dieing was maybe 200+ hp and that was after a Fluid Spread. I killed him finally with FireIII for about 325dmg and then i saw "You find a Jelly Ring on Sewer Syrup" and then "Azurian obtains a Jelly Ring" woot^^ It was Watersday 43% Waning Crescent, I also got 12k gil and only 39exp lol, GL^^
# Sep 12 2007 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts


Be very careful as this will knock out anyone around 1/2 hp. WE attempted this and were cocky about it.....he handed us our asses. A 75rdm/nin has the easiest time of it. En-fire will do you proud, and also limit the mp burnt up. Drain also did ok. However be prepared, he isn't playing around and will still take a while.

And please...oh please do not aggro the two haunts....they make things...uh...interesting to say the least.
Too Weak
# Sep 08 2007 at 6:51 AM Rating: Good
I just solo'd this lastnight as my 75BLM/37RDM. I used stoneskin and Phalanx and casted gravity on it. I used Fire IV which did 1.4k+ dmg, Thunder IV which did 1.3k+ damage. Though I had to use my 2 hour since Elvaan mp is gimped >< I finished him off with Drain, Burst 2 for 2k+ dmg and another Thunder IV. It only broke through my Stoneskin which is why I had to use drain once. It died fast enough I never had to worry about links or having to zone it. Also must of been my lucky night because got to spawn point killed one set of mousse and the haunts and it popped. So just to let anyone know if you need this take a Blm with you, it will be over very quick lol. Happy hunting!!!
jelly ring
# Jul 05 2007 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
75nin/37war... my avg katana dmg was about 15-16 per swing. it was a pretty long fight, i'd say atleast 15-20min. it must have eaten atleast 40 blade:jin's, if not more. but all in all it was an easy fight. it didnt hit me once, i was more worried about linking the repops than anything else.
fluid spread and the other variations of special moves does NOT go through shadows. eva build helps, although i fought it wearing haste/af set up with no problem.

i'm confident 68-69 nin would be able to solo it... i think there is a poster on here that says they did it @70.
Lucky Kill
# Jun 26 2007 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Oh wow, this probably isn't really going to help anyone that much, but I just have to tell this story.

I went to go get my Jelly Ring as 62PLD. I took two of my LS mates with me. They happen to be boyfriend/girlfriend in real life, so I didn't have to worry about both of them coming. One came as an Elvaan RDM75/BLM37 (Mchild), the other as a Mithran BLU72/NIN36(Icesys).

We ran into the Bostanioux Oubliette(sp?), and waited as Icesys looked up a map of the place. We dropped down into the sewers, and immediately I got aggroed by three monsters that all conned Easy Prey to me. I tanked two simultaneously, while Mchild slept one and Icesys poured damage onto all three until they were down. He gave us Refresh, Sneaked us, and we took off again.

Somewhere along the way, Mchild fell down one of the trap doors. We had to go down after him, seeing as how he didn't have a map. So we Sneak up again and finally ge to the room where this ball of goo spawns.

One Red Mage is soloing a Mousse, so we Sleep the other Mousse and kill the Haunts. We kill the four Mousses probably four to five times. While Icesys and I are fighting a Haunt, we both get Cursed. So I'm down around 900 or so max HP. We can't get Cursna because Mchild subbed BLM. So we're fighting a Mousse, when I notice my health dropping like crazy. So I spam Sentinel and look behind me.

OMG! :O It's Sewer Syrup. At this point, I'm ecstatic. "Quick, Sleep the NM. Sleep it!" So, naturally, he Sleeps it, lol. We finish the Mousse, buff up, and start wailing on Sewer Syrup. Everything is going fine, until somehow I realize that no matter what she tries, Icesys can't get hate off me. I dunno what the hell I did to **** this thing off so much, but it won't look away.

The mob is probably around 80%HP. I tell Icesys to Heal us up, Convert, Chainspell, and nuke the eyes off the thing. So he does, then it starts wailing on him. So I Cover, Provoke, Flash, etc. I get hate again, and I try everything to let Icesys get hate. It will NOT work. The monster is around 50 or 55%HP now. I acknowledge that we're gonna wipe if we don't figure something out.

In despair, I do a quick /search of the zone. It comes up with Mchild, Icesys, a BST, a 75NIN/37WAR(Seffy), and myself. I send a quick /tell to Seffy.
>>Seffy: {please} {Help me out!} Sewer Syrup {Help me out!} {please}
Seffy>>: {Jelly Ring} {Do you need it?}
>>Seffy: Sewer Syrup {Found it!} HP 455/962 {Help me out!} {please} hurry!
Seffy>>: {Understood}

I get a tell about a minute later.
Seffy>>: {Alliance} {Invite to Join Party}

So I scream at Icesys, like, "Invite Seffy NOW!" And, to my delight, I see a little Tarutaru Ninja running up behind us. Then I see an Alliance box in the corner of my TV screen. Seffy, Collin, and two other people.

Seffy Provokes, and does SOMETHING to get hate away. Collin, who just so happens to be a WHM, heals everyone to full. Sewer Syrup falls, and so does my Jelly Ring.

(Seffy) {Jelly Ring} {Congratulations!} {You can have this.}
{Collin) {Congratulations!}

I see the Jelly ring in my inventory, and I'm completely delighted. Then, somehow....
Mchild uses Convert.
Mchild falls to the ground.
Wtf just happened!? He had no negative status effect at all. He just dropped dead... Still dunno what happened to him.

Anyway, long story short, I went in underly prepared to take on Sewer Syrup. It's a very good idea to be safe going into this. You might possibly get Cursed, and it could ruin your chances of killing this NM.

Or perhaps you might get lucky like I did, and have some nice Japanese people in the zone to run to your rescue. :-)
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