General Information
Zipacna Special Attacks
Historical InformationIn Mayan mythology, Zipacna was a demon of tremendous strength said to be the creator of mountains. Like other members of his family, he was extremely violent, and would take any chance to boast his strength on others. One such example involved Zipacna's encounter with the deities of alcohol, the Four Hundred Boys, who were unable to move a log they had cut for a hut they were building. As Zipacna offered and later moved the log on his own, the Four Hundred Boys came to the conclusion that no single creature of such strength should be allowed to live, and decided to kill him. They first tried to kill him by having him dig a hole for the post they had cut, and then shoving the post down into the hole while he was in it. Wise to their attempt to kill him, Zipacna dug a tunnel to one side of the post hole and hid in it while allowing the Boys to believe they had succeeded by crying out in agony. Then, after waiting till they had finished the hut and began celebrating their two accomplishments, Zipacna emerged from the hole and collapsed the support log down upon the Four Hundred Boys, killing them all. Seeking vengeance, the divine Hero Twins devised a plan to lure Zipacna into a canyon with a fake crab, as crabs were the demon's favorite food. The plan was a success, as the weary and hungry Zipacna was oblivious to the Twins plan until it was too late, as they collapsed a large mountain on top of him while in the canyon, slaying him. Categories: FFXI Notorious Monster | Final Fantasy XI This page last modified 2009-02-16 17:03:12. |