Water Way to Go  

Start Area: Windurst Waters
Start NPC:Ohbiru-Dohbiru (J - 9)
Related Areas:Giddeus
Min Level:1
Max Level:75
Grants Gil:900
(Average from 7 ratings)
Items Required:Giddeus Water
Rhinostery Canteen
This Quest is Repeatable
Last Updated: Fri Dec 7 21:57:05 2012

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Ohbiru-Dohbiru is running out of the Giddeus water needed to raise Fluoro-flora. He wants you to take a Rhinostery canteen to the springs at the back of Giddeus in order to refill his supply.


Ohbiru-Dohbiru is in the Rhinostary. He asks you to go to Giddeus and get him some water from the spring there. Take the container he gives you to Giddeus to either of the springs (E-12 and K-12) and fill it up and bring it back for your reward.


This page last modified 2008-05-01 08:02:36.
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How Low Can You Still Go
# Sep 09 2007 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
I suspect the level of 21, posted below, for being -able- to do the quest solo is pretty accurate. However, be advised that at 24, the two Yagudo right next to the Southwest pond aggro at a rate of about 65%. My poorly equipped WM doesn't do well in fighting them, but was able to flee, with all the Yagudos in the whole of Giddeus chasing :o) Know the escape route, and practice crossing the elevated walkway if necessary; the Yagudo are either slow, or have pathing troubles. i never completely outran them though; new Yagudo joined the chase all the way to the exit.

Hypothesis, not fact: I suspect this quest is capped at a certain fame level, as is Mom the Adventurer (Bastok Mkts).
Was running this for money, have found better, will post factual data on cap if / when I find it.

Edited, Sep 9th 2007 6:49pm by VvAnarchangelvV
yag agro?
# Apr 08 2007 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
At what lvl could I safly do this with out getting agro from the yags?
Clearing up a few things
# Sep 03 2006 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
I just wanted to clear up something about this quest.

If you have the quest "Say it with Flowers" active, you HAVE to finish that one before this one will activate.

I found this out after about 2 weeks of trying to activate this quest. If you activate "Say it with Flowers" and do not finish it, the npc will just keep repeating the same thing over and over and never give you the quest. Once i figured this out, I finished "Say it with Flowers" and got the quest. Thank god.

Oh, one more thing. "Say it with Flowers" is NOT, i repeat, NOT a prereq for getting the quest. If you have not activated "Say it with Flowers" you can activate this quest as long as you have finished "Food for Thought" and "Overnight Delivery".

I hope this helps some ppl who are having trouble getting the quest activated.
Say It With FLowers
# Sep 03 2006 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Just wanted to clear up something about this quest.

If you have the quest "Say It With Flowers" active, you HAVE to finish that quest before you can get this one. If you don't finish it, he will just keep repeating the same lines over and over.

I found this out today after having tried to get it active for about 2 weeks. So when i found that I had the "Say It With Flowers" quest active, I finished it, and the quest actived. Thank god.

Another thing to note, "Say It With Flowers" is NOT a prereq to get the quest. So if you have not actived "Say It With Flowers" you can get this quest by completing just "Food for Thought" and "Overnight Delivery".

Hope this helps with some ppl who are stuck trying to activate the quest.
# Aug 03 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry... double post.
water way to go
# May 10 2005 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
i've read all the posts and have completed the pre req quests as well. My fame is not that great in Windhurst. I've rezoned each time. When I ask for the quest from the NPC in the Rhinostery - he talks about 'zooilogical lab...his boss is out journeying for supplies'.

I'm stumped. I went out and back in several times.

I'm lev 40 whm.

Any advise is appreciated.
Rhinostery Quest Series
# Mar 08 2005 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
399 posts
1. Food for Thought
2. Overnight Delivery
3. Water way to go!
4. Blue Ribbon Blues
5. Toraimarai Turmoil

You must complete each one in order to start the next one.
not repeatable after warp II
# Feb 10 2005 at 9:03 PM Rating: Default
if you have started the warp II quest this quest is gone... you cannot repeat it anymore... i reaped this fella for a lot of money till i decided to hit 40 with blm and quest for warp... so if your not sure why you cannot do this anymore its probably because you have either started or done warp II
RE: not repeatable after warp II
# Apr 24 2005 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
915 posts
This is not true. I completed the Warp II quest long ago, and I just accepted this quest (Water Way to Go)...
lost container
# Jan 18 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
I started this quest a long time ago and just decided to complete it. I seem to have gotten rid of the container I was supposed to put the water in. I have done the food quest already. Is there any way to get the container back after dropping it?
RE: lost container
# May 12 2005 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
164 posts
I also threw the container away as I did not want to fetch the water again, but i think as a result, this is preventing me to start the next quest, which is blue ribbon blue.
Would appreciate if any know if it is possible to get the container back. ^^;
# Nov 26 2004 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
if they are saying they are hungry, you need to go to the room that is on the other side and talk to the "meditating" Taru (sorry I can't remember his name, all Tarus scare me)...he will ask you to make a food run, the Food For Thought quest. I have easily 30 quests done and last time I checked my fame level, I was talked about over meals (don't remember the fame level) and I still can't do it...there have to be more than 1 pre-quests to get this activated.
# Oct 13 2004 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
I have lvl 7 fame. I am also a Sandoria resident. Problem is that he won't give me the quest. He just keeps saying he is hungry. Is there any quest I need to do before this or I have to be from Windurst?
Stronger Water Elsewhere?
# Oct 01 2004 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
After completing this Quest, Ohbiru-Dohbiru says of the water:

"We used to be able to find stronger magic water in another place, but that was before the war..."

Is he hinting that you can take the canteen somewhere else for stronger water? Or is this said merely to flesh out the game's story?
# Apr 29 2004 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
186 posts
I've done this quest ONCE, count it ONCE, and a long time ago. I decided to come back to Windy to try and repeat this one a few times, and he will NOT give it to me again.

I've done the Overnight Delivery quest and Food For Thought, and I've done Water Way to Go! ONCE. Why won't he give it to me again?

I think my fame level in Windy is only level 4 or 5... I don't get it. ; ; It can't be too high, because there are still a lot of quests I can't get yet.

Any clues? ; ;
not repeatable?
# Feb 17 2004 at 11:52 PM Rating: Default
I've done this quest just once and I can't get it anymore. Is it because my fame is too high?

Currently my fame checks as: "A day doesn't go by when I fail to hear a tale of your deeds. I am proud to be a citizen of the same great country as Sir Kasper! Keep up the marvelous work!

Anyone have any ideas?
I'm Confused (cough...cough...sniff...sniff)
# Feb 11 2004 at 3:54 PM Rating: Default
Code Name: Klah
Ok I'm Level 35 Mage & I've done this quest once... I zone out then zone in... and now he won't give me the same quest again. Why is that?
Hints for this quest
# Feb 04 2004 at 5:43 AM Rating: Default
At some point when I obtained "Say It With Flowers," I finished it and able to obtain "Food For Thought." After "FFT," I could obtain "Overnight Delivery." Only if "OD" is completed, then you are able to obtain this "Water Way To Go" quest. Remember, zone out of W.Waters then zone in back each time you completed a quest!!

Previous posts regarding this quest mentioned it is repeatable but only for like 10 times. However, I am sure I did it more than 10 times because I recorded each time. I didn't keep track after 10 times, and I lost count after about 12 times. I guess I did this quest for 15-18 times altogether, but the previous posts were correct about this quest has a limit.

For lvl 21, the Yagudos near to the spring can aggro & link ("easy prey" when checked). Somehow I feel Pipers will not aggro BUT they link. Initiates, Scribes, Acolytes will no longer aggro. Prosecutors and Mercenaries will aggro and link.

When I came back at a later time, my BLM was lvl 25, and nothing aggro me (I mean on the way I go to the spring, not the entire Giddeus zone). The last 2 Yagudos that guarding the spring con as "easy prey" still, but they won't aggro me.

Moreover, be careful with the bees. Usually they won't aggro, but may or may not link if Yagudos hit you. I also have this experience: When there are no Yagudos but only bees, con as "easy prey," they won't aggro me, but when I heal (rest), they attacked me.

Last Note: This quest is best to do together with "A Crisis in the Making" quest, just a bit more walk. You can earn 900(Water Way.... quest)+400(A Crisis.... quest) = 1300gil. As a BLM with Warp, 20 minutes will be enough for these 1300gil.

Again, after you finished once, you need to "re-zone" to get the same quest again. I chose to zone to W.Ports then come back because Rhinostary is close to W.Ports zoneline.
Aggro, or not to aggro?
# Apr 03 2004 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
All yagudos aggro if they con as easy prey or tougher.

If the yagudo is "Too weak to be worthwhile" and you heal in its line of sense, it will aggro you. This is the same with all things that aggro.

((They will aggro if you are healing a/o easy prey and up))

Same with bees. These are generally lower leveled, so if the yagudos cons as easy, they will probably not aggro unless you are healing.

I found this out when I was farming for yagudo necklaces as a blm (25-30-ish) when my mp was drained from all of my -aga spells, and I rested, things would aggro me. (( Bear in mind, I was staying near the entrance )).

As for linking, yes beastmen link AND aggro(TWTBW and above). And, according to the Beastiary here, the bees link/aggro too. >.<

Hope this clears any aggro/non-aggro/link questions. ^^
RE: Aggro, or not to aggro?
# Nov 30 2004 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,059 posts
Actually not all "Easy Prey" will aggro. It varies on the level of the "Easy Prey". If they are the lowest tier in that range, they may not aggro, however mid-to-upper level in the tier of "Easy Prey" will aggro. ^^;
RE: Aggro, or not to aggro?
# Nov 01 2004 at 2:01 AM Rating: Decent
399 posts
no, the NPC yag won't aggro either XD lol
hope i don't get nuked for this
RE: Aggro, or not to aggro?
# Sep 09 2004 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
At level 25 the non-key dropping tier-one beastment will seldom aggro. They will be too weak at 26-27.
Still havent got this quest
# Jan 29 2004 at 1:35 AM Rating: Default
I have done most of the quests on this list for Windurst and this guy still wont give me this quest. He just says somthin about him not geting any work done because they dont watch what they are doing. HELP i want to get this one done and figured this would be good to do while hunting for the kazzam air ship keys.
# Jan 12 2004 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
this quest requires you to run past an area crawling with pipers/mendicants/persecutors, so a lvl 7 will die doing this. The springs are NOT by the npc yagudos with the altar for mission 3. You can do this quest and avoid higher lvl yagudos (preist/theologist/votary) easily, so probably 20+ or so, when the tier 2 yagudos no longer aggro is the easiest time to do this.
# Jan 05 2004 at 5:06 AM Rating: Default
160 posts
Doesn't look you can do it ever and ever. I did it around 10 times and now he dosn't give it anymore to me.
Lvl 7?!
# Dec 29 2003 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I would have to disagree with the comment about lvl 7 being a good time to try this. I went in with a fellow whm, both level 27, and we had trouble with the two mobs guarding the springs on both sides. They both conned easy but when they link you've got problems. We made it thru but our mp didn't...lvl 7 is much too earlier to be trying this one.
# Dec 16 2003 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
i think the quest works on fame, not the number of quests you do.

Fame increases each time you do a quest, or repeat a quest.
RE: fame
# Jan 22 2004 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
correct but repeat quest give aproximately 1/4 the value of a complete quest
28 fame needed
# Dec 07 2003 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Tryed at 27 with Overnight Delivery completed, no quest. Tryed at 28, was givin the quest.

Edited, Sun Dec 7 17:39:19 2003
Avoid this quest, totally not worth it!
# Dec 08 2003 at 1:49 AM Rating: Default
67 posts
Myself, a level 12 thief / 6 monk and my linkshell mate 12 warrior / 6 thief went into giddeus for this quest, plus 2 others (A Crisis in the Making and Early Bird Catches teh Bookworm). Those 2 were moderatly easy to get to and finish, but man let me tell you this spring was definatly a feat to get to.

First off we wandered for about an hour trying to find it, and finaly had to ask a japanese player for help. The spring(s) are apparently in E12 and K12, we went to the k12 one.

Edited, Mon Dec 8 01:49:25 2003
RE: Avoid this quest, totally not worth it!
# Jan 23 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Default
it's worth it when higher lvl and all the yagudo check as too weak and don't aggro you..

run in, grab water, run out, repeat

easy 900 gil
Quest is repeatable
# Dec 03 2003 at 3:01 AM Rating: Default
If you rezone, you can get this quest over and over. I haven't completed it a second time yet, but I do have the same quest again on my books, and am headed off to do it again.
Do Kenap-Keppa's quest first
# Dec 03 2003 at 2:35 AM Rating: Default
I had 28 quests done (unique) and probably 10 repeatables, but i could not get this quest until i had done the quest for Kenapa-keppa involving the night time luggage delivery. So you probably need to do that one first, in order to get this one.

#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 27 2003 at 6:30 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Edited, Thu Dec 4 09:52:47 2003
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