FR Quest:A Formal Report  

Free Realms
To Start: Speak to Halloween Harry in Sanctuary.
Halloween Harry says,"Bella is such a worry-wart!

I'm sure her brother Ethan is fine. He probably lost track of time while trick-or-treating. I know I would! Kekek!

Still, you should report it to General Glowlight. Just to be safe. "

Just to be on the safe side, Halloween Harry would like you to report Ethan's disappearance to General Glowlight in Sanctuary.
This is an Errand quest.

Let the general in Sanctuary know that Bella's brother has gone missing.
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Closing Comments

General Glowlight says, "Bella's brother has gone missing? How strange. Greyli Dustywings was just up here filing a complaint against Ethan. He claims that the boy ran off with a pair of spectral spectacles...whatever those are! You interested in helping out? Go talk to Greyli and see if he knows where Ethan went."

Greyli Dustywings says, "You must be here to help me recover my spectral spectacles. General Glowlight said he'd send someone. I didn't expect them to show up so soon!"

Candy Gram Super Spooktacular
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TpyoThere's a grammatical error in Greyli's text, but it's accurate to the game text. When they fix it, we will too.

This article refers to items, events, personae and activities introduced in 2009, and available in-game during the Super Spooktacular celebration. For 2013, Spooktacular begins on October 1st.

This page last modified 2013-10-04 16:20:47.