FR Quest:Somewhere in Storage  

Free Realms

To Start: Speak to Baxi Sparkletoes in Sanctuary.
Baxi Sparkletoes says,"I bet if you search through some of the storage crates here in Sanctuary, you just might find a pendant.

Be careful though. I'm not sure what else is being stored... "

This is an Errand quest.  Membership is required to begin this quest.

  • Coins 10 
  • Search through the storage crates in Sanctuary
  • Keep searching...
  • Keep searching...
  • Keep searching...
  • Speak to Baxi Sparkletoes in Sanctuary
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This quest is given during the Saying Sorry quest. You are unable to complete the previous quest until you complete this one from Baxi Sparkletoes.

  • Look for stacks of crates up and down Sunrise St. in Pixiewood. The one you are allowed to click on will have sparkles around it at the time. For us, the correct crate ended up being near Jacque's Cafe.
  • The crates on Sunset St. that are always around (with barrels in their midst) are not the ones you seek. The one that will be targetable (sparkling) will spawn a few seconds after you find the previous one. Their location is random.

Saying Sorry Shrouded Glade
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This page last modified 2013-03-09 00:26:30.