FR Quest:Where is the Love  

Free Realms
To Start: Speak to Cudip in Merry Vale.
Cudip says,"I give up! I've searched every possible place for love, and have come up empty handed each time.

If anyone knows where to find love, it would be Talespinner Yvelle. She has a story for everything! "

Cudip can't seem to find love anywhere! Still determined to make the perfect potion, he's sent you to speak with Talespinner Yvelle to learn what she knows about love.
This is an Errand quest.

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After the completion of this quest, the series becomes member only.

Closing Comments

  • Talespinner Yvelle says, "Cudip may be a master of the mind, but he can't look to material things if he wishes to find love. That, my friend, is a matter of the heart. If he wishes to find love, he only needs to take a closer look at the heart flower."
  • Cudip says, "What does she mean?! I've studied the heart flower for ages. I've dissected its petals and found nothing that seems to work! She must know something more about the heart flower."
  • Talespinner Yvelle says, "It's not the flower itself, but the meaning behind it. Once Cudip understands the story, he may find the love he is looking for."

Potion Testing: Version 7.0 Festival of Hearts
Quest Series
A Tale of Two Hearts
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The proper name of this page, Where is the Love?, contains a question mark which gives the wiki trouble. Therefore the Wikibase title has had the question mark removed.

This article refers to items, events, personae and activities introduced in 2010, and available in-game during the Festival of Hearts celebration.
In 2012, the Festival of Hearts is scheduled to run from February 7th to March 8th.

This page last modified 2012-02-21 14:48:17.