FR place:Wugachug  

The Town of Wugachug
Sacred Grove / Wilds North / Wugachug

In the north of Sacred Grove.

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A chugawug village, home of the best sasparilla brewery in Sacred Grove. Also home to Chugaroot Farm where you can find the delicious area specialties - Choychoy and Chugaroot. The chugawugs in this town are quite merry and love to dance.

Bruce, the most famous lip-syncher who once graced Snowhill's stage, has been spotted on occasions at Wugachug's stage performing his music.

Local Places


Minigames and Resources

Quest Series

Sasparilla Hunt

  1. Join the Party from Boranug at the gate
  2. Taste Testing from Sasparilla Brewmaster Wugawump
  3. Fixing the Flavor from Brockoom
  4. Root of the Problem
  5. The Secret Ingredient
  6. Save the Sasparilla!
  7. A Refreshing Reward

Becoming a Conductor

  1. Done Deal
  2. Electric Scouting
  3. Scouting for Flo
  4. Music-a-thon
  5. Rockin' the Stage
  6. Such a Show Off!
  7. Super Star!


  1. Fond Memories
  2. Job Reference
  3. An Unspeakable Crime


This page last modified 2010-02-08 08:49:19.