House Actors (EQ2)  

House Actors were introduced on June 17, 2014. They are customizable NPCs for your house, guild hall, or dungeon.

House actors are crafted by level 95 carpenters from a tradeable recipe, "House Actor Crate" that is sold for 5 loyalty tokens on the loyalty merchant. The crates stack to five, are fully tradeable, and unpack into an Heirloom House Actor. This actor can be placed in any house, guild hall or dungeon where you have trustee access.

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The recipe, which has unlimited uses, requires:

Etherwood lumber is obtained from T10 wood nodes (any T10 zone), and is a chance when you harvest a rare bubinga. So if you happen to harvest a bubinga lumber, you might also harvest an etherwood lumber. You can ONLY get them from manually harvesting; upgraded ponies and gathering goblins cannot bring them back.


You can choose any of the Player Races for your Actor, but once the race is selected, it is permanent. All other customization options can be changed by any trustee at any time, as long as the house is not published. You may only have one action and one greet text on a single actor at any time, but you can change them as often as you wish. Actors in a published house can only have their clothing and action changed, not any other setting.

When you dress an actor, it is *just* like dressing a mannequin - it takes the appearance, but you keep the clothing.

There are a large range of emote actions that can be changed. To do so, place the actor and select the customize option. The menu is very like the one for dressing a mannequin. Look at the bottom of that window for the dropdown for actions. The action options from the main examine dropdown are "play action when approached" and "loop action" ... so if you want your sarnak to continue his wardance forever, you can.

When you swap gender on the actor, the face customization window immediately pops up so you can set everything for the new gender.

You can use a greeting of up to 150 characters on the actors. Special symbols (some windows character map special characters) that you can use in EQ2 chat can also be used in the greeting, such as musical notes. Alt key codes can also be used. You cannot hail the actors, their text fires off when you get within range of them. You cannot set the distance radius for their speech.

Actor names can be up to 50 characters long and can include spaces (which are counted in the character count). The name does not display over their head, but is included in the line of greeting text.

ZAM credits this article at EQ2 Traders Corner for some of the info in this article.

Category: EQ2TC Credits
This page last modified 2014-06-17 12:23:05.