Mining (CoS)  

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City of Steam
see also Category:Mine, Fishing

Each day you can get a quest, [Daily] Overgrown Crystals, from the Mining Assistant Toiler. This quest requires you to Mine 5 times.

You cannot convert Minerals to Expertise Points while the Mining UI is open. Close it first!

Get Lucky is good for 5 times per day for free. After that, each time you click it will cost you 50Electrum ($0.49)  and can be used a maximum of 10 times. The 50Electrum ($0.49)  does NOT buy you an extra 10 tries, just one at a time.

As you Fish (or Mine) a progress bar indicates extra bonuses at 30%, 60% and 100%. You have to click on the little chest on that bar to collect the reward. it is NOT automatically granted![1]

Just as the general rule in Blackjack is "hit on 16, stick on 17", for Fishing and Mining it should be "Hit on green, stick on blue and NEVER spend Electrum!"

Note: When all of your Abilities reach level cap, keep Mining but put all your Ore in Storage! You will not gain any more Expertise while your skills are capped!

Attention, Citizens! Rampaging Brood have damaged this portion of the Libre Arcanum. Your assistance is therefore commanded to recover this datum (free ZAM account required)! That is all. For the Paragons!


  1. ^ post by Alsones on the forums

This page last modified 2014-05-12 11:18:14.