Missing Poppy (Aion Quest)  

Verteron Quest Series
Elyos Only
Can be shared.
Can be abandoned.
Start Zone: Verteron
Start Place: Tolbas Village
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Talk with Cannon in Verteron at Tolbas Village.
Level 15 Missing Poppy
  1. Find Poppy the lost Porgus.
Poppy, Cannon's Porgus, has disappeared. Look for Poppy in the Dukaki mine and bring her home.
 Basic Reward
1,500 Kinah
    Other Resources: PowerWikiArmoryAiondbGoogle

    All quests reward XP but NCSoft is fond of changing the amounts frequently, to the point that it is simply not wise to try to track the exact amount in a wiki.

    Quest Notes

    Poppy is in the Dukaki Village, on the east side of the road, in a pig pen by the Kobold Cook. You can locate Poppy, in-game, by typing "/where poppy".

    Poppy moves slowly and has a very short follow tether. If you get too far ahead of her, she will vanish and appear back at the pen. Best bet, hit "." to Walk.

    Poppy's location

    This page last modified 2009-11-01 13:28:50.