
The Tranquil
Goddess of Tranquility
HomePlane of Tranquility
BestiaryNPC (not attackable)
EverQuest II
ProphetPacificator Merrek in Butcherblock Mountains at 352, 190, 493 Click here to go to EQ2Map
PetPeaceful Visage
CloakCloak of Tranquility
AvatarAvatar of Tranquility
(removed with GU55)
Legends of Norrath
Except for The Tribunal, the Gods play no direct, active role within this game.

This peaceful child-goddess is allied with Rodcet Nife and Erollisi Marr, and an enemy to Rallos Zek and Innoruuk. Quellious rules over the Plane of Tranquility.

Followers of Quellious the Tranquil seek peace. They are not strict pacifists, though, and will fight to defend themselves and their loved ones. The peace they seek is an inner one. They wish to know all there is to know about themselves and the world around them. They thirst for knowledge of their true selves and strive to help others attain enlightenment. It is through the sharing of this knowledge that they believe universal peace can be obtained. If every creature fully understood itself and its neighbors there would be no need for conflict and war. Followers of Quellious often follow a nomadic lifestyle, constantly seeking what there is to know and hoping to find themselves along the way. [1]

Contents [hide]

EverQuest II

Profession of Faith

The Prophet of Quellious, Pacificator Merrek, can be found at the Highland Outposts at 352,190,493 .

  1. At Peace With the Past (25) - Humble Altar
  2. Peace of Mind, Peace of Body (35) - Item
  3. Peace Through Games (50) - Pet
  4. The Saboteur of Peace (65) - Altar
  5. The Gathering (70) - Cloak


Blessing Name Favor Description
Pacification 750 Mental spell buff (15% longer, 15% harder resist)
Passive Assault 875 hate reduction (15%)
Teachings of Quellious 1000 power increase (500)
Pensive Preoccupation 1125 debuff proc chance
Voice of Quellious 1250 all spells cost 15% less


Miracle Name Favor Description
Quellious' Will 1125 Mez (for Epic targets 30s) and debuff on termination
Quelled Rage 1312 wipes hate from target
Shield of the Tranquil 1500 power regen (100), spellshield (breaks on spellcast)
Aura of Tranquility 1687 awareness of other encounters calling for help
Tranquil Trance 1875 Stuns and stifles caster. Increases power of group members by 5%

  1. ^ EQLive Library


EverQuest II

The Gods of Norrath
GoodMithaniel MarrQuelliousRodcet NifeTunare
NeutralBrell SerilisBristlebaneKaranaSolusek RoThe Tribunal
EvilBertoxxulousCazic-ThuleInnoruukRallos ZekAnashti Sul
(in EverQuest II)
E'ciErollisi MarrFennin RoThe NamelessPovarPrexusThe RatheTarew MarrTerris-ThuleVeeshan Xegony
Sub-DeitiesAyonae RoDrinalDruzzil RoLuclinMorell ThuleSaryrnSullon ZekTallon ZekVallon ZekVarig RoVazaelleZebuxoruk
Demi-GodsAlliz OnuKyr'TokLanys T'VylUlkorruukMaster Wu

This page last modified 2012-05-22 13:45:25.