SWG Guide Guide - Heroic Imperial Star Destroyer  

Guide : Heroic Imperial Star Destroyer

Pre-Quest Guide :

The quest start in the Township of Aurilia on the planet of Dathomir, there is a NPC for each faction : Imperial and neutral NPC are in the guildhall , Rebel NPC is outside of the guildhall on the right side of it .


Rebel :

/wp dathomir 5204 -4148

Talk to the NPC on the right side of the guildhall in aurilia , then travel to Yavin 4 Research Outpost (closest SP)

  1. Go to the Ticket Collector , radial on it and ask him for the escape pod logs
  2. Travel to the location he gave you , once you arrive you'll find a broken terminal (looks like a BH mission terminal) Click on it and you'll obtain a savaged flight computer , you'll have to re-configure it to get the location of the Black Sun bunker
  3. Once you reconfigured it travel to endor . Go to the bunker and kill black suns until you get the thing needed.
  4. Return to the NPC and complete your mission.

I'll be completing this part , I need some information I don't have atm

Prequest by Puck_Starfire

1. This starts in Aurillia. For us Rebels, our contact is outside the guild hall. ( 5204 -4148 ) The contact is around the right side of the GH. You won't see him unless you walk around to the side.

2. Go to any starport ticket droid (not starport terminal, not travel term, but the actual droid in the landing bay) and purchase info on where the escape pod is. Cost is 1100 creds. He will track the pod and give you a waypoint location (mine was Yavin).

3. Go to the escape pod (in the middle of Yavin near the Wooly Palace) and inspect a control panel. You will receive a flight recorder.

4. This next part is completely random. If you played the old "Mastermind" game it is sorta like it. First, you have to connect 4 wires. You have blue, red, and yellow wires. You have 4 connections. Your job is to connect the wires to the correct connection to activate the flight recorder.

If you get a "flickering" result, it means you have a right color but in the wrong connection.
The "lit" response means the wire is correct.
"Integrity" is the condition of the recorder before it resets itself and you have to start over.

So, the challenge is to get all the wires right before the recorder resets itself. So start with connection 1. Connect a wire. Select "Test". If an indicator light is "lit" then move on. If not, try another wire. Move on to connection 2. If a wire was "flickering" from connection 1, try that wire first. It more than likely works in this connection. Repeat this for the third and fourth connections until you get it right. It took me about 4 times to activate mine.

5. (GROUP!!!!!) Go to Endor and find a datapad in a Black Sun base. The BS here are CL90 elites and grouped together, so they are higher than the DWB BS. YOU NEED A GROUP. I was in a group of 3 today and we dropped a few times. Basically kill until you get a datapad.

6. Return to Aurillia. Next up, the ISD.

Instance Guide :

  • How to get in ?

Launch your ship in space , hyperspace to Ord Mantel . Go to the Imperial Star Destroyer , target the docking bay and go near them , once you're there type /comm and ask the NPC to get in.
You can get your group there with a POB , if you get into the Imperial Star Destroyer with a POB you'll have a bonus : 250 constitution , action reduction and dmg increased
The POB's owner cannot get in until everyone is in. he have to re-do /comm once his group is in.

  • We're in , now what to do ?

There are 7 phase in this instance and this is how I work with my group :

  • 1st Phase :


There are 2 ways to complete this phase :

  1. 1rst way to complete this phase is the easiest but it'll make you lose your entertainer buff , the idea is to kill krix as fast as you can , this will open the locked doors , once you killed krix if some of you are still alive you can either try to run or try to kill stormtroopers
  2. 2nd way to complete this phase is harder but if you manage to do it you'll be able to keep your entertainer buff : You'll have to tell your group how to proceed , start killing the stormtroopers in order . For this one you'll need a very good power of fire (note : the more stormtroopers you kill the more grenades they'll spam , so you have to kill them very faslty)
  • 2nd Phase :


If you used the 1rst way to complete the phase one you can run throught the hanger stormtroopers grenadiers won't attack you , continue to your left , you'll meet an officier , regroup everyone to you and ask him to remove the walls . (Note : If you go to the right way you'll find an office with a statue for collection)

  1. Once you asked him to remove the walls this will spawn dark troopers , start killing them but keep your group together , they use officiers melee specials to root and snare , they'll also use BH ranged specials which reduce healing efficiency by 50% so make sure your medics aren't tanking . You'll have to kill them as fast as you can , the respawn rate is very fast if you're camping where the officier was do not let any of the dark troopers escape or they'll come back with more dark troopers that spawned in the hangar and you'll have to fight twice more troopers .
  2. After a moment a stormtrooper squadleader will spawn , if you see him kill him! This will stop the respawning and open the wall
  • 3rd Phase :


Once you killed the Stormtrooper squadleader it open the wall and you can go to the next phase there is a stormtrooper walking around , kill him to start the dark trooper spawning .

  1. Now that you killed the stormtrooper , dark troopers are spawning by 3 , there is nothing specials to do in this phase just stay grouped and kill them as fast as you can . They'll stop spawning once you killed (?) of them
  2. You finished this phase , you can head to your right or if you didn't collect the statue take the elevator on your left and you'll see a statue on the left side of the room.
  • 4th Phase :


Head to your right and continue until you find the officier you saw in phase 2 again . you'll meet 2 stormtroopers walking around , kill them there is nothing special

  1. Once you talked to the officier and asked him to remove the walls again , he'll open a path on your left . in this path there is alot of stormtroopers grenadier (but they aren't as dangerous as 1rst phase troopers) . Ask a member of your group to pull them to the big room , once they are in the room kill them as fast as you can . repeat it again until you arrive to Prat.
  2. Prat is with 2 droids applying desease to your group , if you don't have at least 2 medics ask a jedi to pull the droids 1 by 1 and kill them . If you have 2 medics and a good group you can rush prat and the droids .
  3. Now that the way is clear you can talk to the head technicien and ask him to repair the elevator
  • 5th Phase :

This phase is hard , as hard as the first one , you'll have to fight many black sun boarders with 500k of life and heavy specials. Head to the elevator in the big room . Use it and stay where you arrived .

  1. Medics must stay back and everyone with a ranged weapon should do the same . Ask a jedi to pull the blacksun boarders one by one to you . once blacksun boarder are in the room kill them fastly. there is (?) blacksun boarder before you can move to the next room.
  2. You can move the next room where you'll meet 3 engineers . kill them and wait in this room . ask again the jedi to pull the blacksun boarder to your room and kill him .
  3. There is an engineer walking around in the next room , once you kill it it'll start spawning blacksun boarder (3?) , there are 2 ways to complete this . either you stay in the room with the consoles and ask your jedi to pull the blacksun boarders to you , or you go in the next big room (if you have a good group) and kill the blacksun boarders faslty
  4. If you aren't in the big room yet go in . Ask again the jedi to pull the boarder and kill him . next blacksun is an engineer , move to the last room and start killing either the bottom or top boarder (but not the 2 at the same time!)
  5. Once everything is done the head technicien will come to fix something . head back to the elevator
  • 6th Phase :


The head technicien will open the next wall , make sure all your group is in the next part to start fighting the boss

  1. Nothing special for this part , this boss have heavy grenade so make sure your medics are permanantly area healing
  2. There's a statue in the 2nd left room
  • 7th Phase :


kill the 3 stormtroopers walking around and start fighting the last boss

  1. This last boss isn't doing any damages , so you don't have to worry you can rush him


Congratulations ! You completed Imperial Star Destroyer Heroic Instance and got a blacksun token of heroism!

Note : the 4th statue for the collection is in Ord Mantel , it is in Orion Nova station cantina , type /tar faya once you are in

I'll add more info later , I can't remeber everything

Converted from Guides
Created: 2008-01-21 09:44:52
Last Changed: 2008-08-08 18:34:35
Author: Xiaminou
Category: Quests
Last Edited 248842
Score: 3.66
Note: None
Guide ID: 1119
Last Changed: http://forums.station.sony.com/swg/posts/list.m?topic_id=558950

Star Wars Galaxies

This page last modified 2009-09-04 17:54:41.