SWG Guide Imperial Perk List  

Imperial Perk List

Items that you can get from an [/db/bestiary.html?swgbeast=5373 an Imperial recruiter ] for you Credits .

You have to be an Imperial Combatant or Imperial Special Forces in order to buy items from [/db/bestiary.html?swgbeast=5373 an Imperial recruiter ] with your Credits .


Is the Rank required to buy: Schematics
DZ-70 Droid Schematic
R2 Droid Schematic
R3 Droid Schematic
R4 Droid Schematic
R5 Droid Schematic

Bounty Hunters level 85+ can get:
Proximity Caltrop Trap x5 [1]
Remote Caltrop Trap x5
Proximity Flashbang Trap x5 [2]
Remote Flashbang Trap x

Commmandos level 85+ can get:
Proximity Caltrop Trap x5 [3]
Remote Caltrop Trap x5
Proximity Flashbang Trap x5 [4]
Remote Flashbang Trap x5
Proximity HX2 Trap Body x5 [5]
Remote HX2 Trap Body x5

Spys level 85+ can get:
Proximity Caltrop Trap x5 [6]
Remote Caltrop Trap x5
Proximity Flashbang Trap x5 [7]
Remote Flashbang Trap x5
Proximity Kamino Trap x5 [8]
Remote Kamino Trap x5

Trader (Munitions) Master Armorsmiths can get:
Scout Trooper Armor Schematics
Scout Trooper Armor Boots Appearance
Scout Trooper Armor Chest Plate Appearance
Scout Trooper Armor Gloves Appearance
Scout Trooper Armor Helmet Appearance
Scout Trooper Armor Left Bicep Appearance
Scout Trooper Armor Left Bracer Appearance
Scout Trooper Armor Leggings Appearance
Scout Trooper Armor Right Bicep Appearance
Scout Trooper Armor Right Bracer Appearance
Scout Trooper Armor Utility Belt Appearance
Shock Trooper Armor Schematics
Shock Trooper Armor Boots Appearance
Shock Trooper Armor Chest Plate Appearance
Shock Trooper Armor Gloves Appearance
Shock Trooper Armor Helmet Appearance
Shock Trooper Armor Left Bicep Appearance
Shock Trooper Armor Left Bracer Appearance
Shock Trooper Armor Leggings Appearance
Shock Trooper Armor Right Bicep Appearance
Shock Trooper Armor Right Bracer Appearance
Shock Trooper Armor Utility Belt Appearance
Stormtrooper Armor Schematics
Stormtrooper Armor Boots Appearance
Stormtrooper Armor Chest Plate Appearance
Stormtrooper Armor Gloves Appearance
Stormtrooper Armor Helmet Appearance
Stormtrooper Armor Left Bicep Appearance
Stormtrooper Armor Left Bracer Appearance
Stormtrooper Armor Leggings Appearance
Stormtrooper Armor Right Bicep Appearance
Stormtrooper Armor Right Bracer Appearance
Stormtrooper Armor Utility Belt Appearance

Lance Corporal
Is the Rank required to buy: Furniture
Data Terminal 1
Data Terminal 2
Data Terminal 3
Data Terminal 4
Imperial Table
Tech Armorie
Tech Bookcase
Tech Cabinet
Tech Chair
Tech Chest
Tech Cafe Table
Tech Couch
Tech End Table

Is the Rank required to buy: Combat Support Equipment
Advanced Electrobinoculars
Superior Electrobinoculars
Experimental Electrobinoculars

Smugglers level 85+ can get:
Chaff Flare

Spys level 85+ can get:
Chaff Flare

Is the Rank required to buy: Uniforms & Weapons
Dress Slacks
Imperial Command Hat
Long Formal Jacket
Power5 Pistol
E-11 Carbine

Master Sergeant
Is the Rank required to buy: Small Turrets, Mines & Paintings
Deed For: Small Block Turret
Deed For: Small Dish Turret
Deed For: Small Tower Turret
DRX-55 Mine
XG Mine
SR-88 Cryo-Mine
Painting Might of the Empire

Sergeant Major
Is the Rank required to buy: Small Factional Bases, Medium Turrets & Medal
Deed For: Medium Block Turret
Deed For: Medium Tower Turret
Deed For: Imperial Field Hospital
Deed For: Imperial Forward Outpost
Deed For: Imperial S.F. Field Hospital
Deed For: Imperial S.F. Forward Outpost
Mine Disarm Kit
Nova Star Medal of the Empire


Is the Rank required to buy: Large Faction Bases, Large Turrets, & Comlink
Deed For: Imperial Detachment HQ
Deed For: Imperial Tactical Center
Deed For: Imperial S.F. Detachment HQ
Deed For: Imperial S.F. Tactical Center
Deed For: Large Block Turret
Deed For: Large Dish Turret
Deed For: Large Tower Turret
Imperial Military Communication Link
This item can summon npcs: [/images/Guides/screenShot0723.jpg an Imperial Exterminator ], [/images/Guides/screenShot0735.jpg a Stormtrooper Saboteur ], & a Stormtrooper Sniper
Note: this comm can only be used outdoors, it summons 3 imperial troops to aid you in battle, it has a refresh timer.

The Lieutenant also recieves an ability this rank called:
Retaliationit is given automatically this rank, and it's effects are:

Retaliation Buff
Effects fire when you are damaged.

Badge Received: Imperial Lieutenant
Bio Badge Received: ...has achieved the officer rank of Lieutenant in the Imperial Army.

Is the Rank required to buy: Banners
Imperial Banner

The Captain also recieves an ability this rank called:
Adrenaline Rushit is given automatically this rank, and it's effects are:

Adrenaline Rush Buff
Effects fire when you are damaged.

Badge Received: Imperial Captain
Bio Badge Received: ...has achieved the officer rank of Captain in the Imperial Army.

Is the Rank required to buy: Factional Armor & Dye Kits
Black Spec Ops Armor Belt
White Spec Ops Armor Belt
Black Spec Ops Armor Boots
White Spec Ops Armor Boots
Black Spec Ops Armor Leggings
White Spec Ops Armor Leggings
Technical Readout of a Imperial Spec Ops Armor Dye Kitthe item made from this schem: [/images/missiontext/screenShot6892_.jpg Imperial Spec Ops Armor Dye Kit ]
This armor only comes in black when bought from the [/db/bestiary.html?swgbeast=5373 an Imperial recruiter ], and has to be be dyed white with the use of the [/images/missiontext/screenShot6892_.jpg Imperial Spec Ops Armor Dye Kit ]. It is listed here to show the complete list of items available.

The Major also recieves an ability this rank called:
Unstoppableit is given automatically this rank, and it's effects are:

Unstoppable Buff
Chance to have 950 Health restored.

Badge Received: Imperial Major
Bio Badge Received: ...has achieved the officer rank of Major in the Imperial Army.

Lieutenant Colonel
Is the Rank required to buy: Factional Armor
2nd half of Faction Special Ops Officer Armor
Black Spec Ops Armor Left Bicep
Black Spec Ops Armor Right Bicep
Black Spec Ops Armor Left Bracer
Black Spec Ops Armor Right Bracer
Black Spec Ops Armor Torso Orange Pauldron
Black Spec Ops Armor Gloves
Black Spec Ops Armor Helmet

Last Man Standing it is given automatically this rank, and it's effects are:
Last Man Standing

Badge Received: Imperial Lieutenant Colonel
Bio Badge Received: ...has achieved the officer rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Imperial Army.

Is the Rank required to buy: Rings & Factional BARCs
[/images/missiontext/screenShot13037.jpg Colonel Signet Ring of the Empire ]
Imperial BARC Deed

[/images/missiontext/screenShot12818.jpg Legendary Warrior Morale Effect ] it is given automatically this rank, and it's effects are:
Legendary Warrior Buff

Badge Received: Imperial Colonel
Bio Badge Received: ...has achieved the officer rank of Colonel in the Imperial Army.

Is the Rank required to buy: Factional Weapons
Exceptional Imperial E-11 Carbine
The Legendary Crimson Nova Pistol
The Legendary Reaper Cannon
The Legendary Starlight Carbine
The Legendary Vortex Rifle
Windu's Guile

[/images/missions/screenShot18745.jpg TIE Bomber Airstrike ] it is given automatically this rank, and it's effects are:
This is an area of effect attack, that does damage centered on your target at the time you clicked this abilty.

Badge Received: Imperial General
Bio Badge Received: ...has achieved the officer rank of General in the Imperial Army.

Unlisted for which rank these are got at, at this time
Deed For: Medium Dish Turret

Faction Pets (currently disabled)
Assault Trooper
Command Security Guard
Compforce Trooper
Dark Trooper
Sand Trooper
Scout Trooper
Storm Commando
Stormtrooper Bombardier
Stormtrooper Medic
Stormtrooper Rifleman
Stormtrooper Sniper
Stormtrooper Sniper

Removed from Game
Deed For: Covert Faction Scanner
Deed For: Small Minefield(these are now added to bases automatically)

Special Thanx to:

From the Ahazi Server. For the help in getting this info.

Faction Info
Galactic Civil War Rank and Rewards
Imperial Perk List
[/db/guides.html?guide=6 Joining the Empire ]


Converted from Guides
Created: 2006-06-29 11:43:36
Last Changed: 2007-03-16 09:10:27
Author: [/poster.html?user=248842 Instigator ]
Category: PvP
Last Edited 248842
Score: 5.00
Note: None
Guide ID: 631
Last Changed: Unknown

Star Wars Galaxies

This page last modified 2009-09-04 17:57:21.