Scrolls (Rift)  


see also: DrinksDyesFoodPlanarPhiltersPotionsScrollsSerumsVialsApothecaryCrafting

Scrolls boost a specific stat for 1 hour. They can be applied to another and it is not required that you be in the same party or raid. Every 5 levels a new set of scrolls becomes usable by you.

TierMin. LevelBonusIntelligenceDexterityStrengthWisdomEndurance
Lesser1+3Lesser Scroll of IntelligenceLesser Scroll of DexterityLesser Scroll of StrengthLesser Scroll of WisdomLesser Scroll of Endurance
Basic10+6Basic Scroll of IntelligenceBasic Scroll of DexterityBasic Scroll of StrengthBasic Scroll of WisdomBasic Scroll of Endurance
Minor15+10Minor Scroll of IntelligenceMinor Scroll of DexterityMinor Scroll of StrengthMinor Scroll of WisdomMinor Scroll of Endurance
no name20+14Scroll of IntelligenceScroll of DexterityScroll of StrengthScroll of WisdomScroll of Endurance
Greater25+18Greater Scroll of IntelligenceGreater Scroll of DexterityGreater Scroll of StrengthGreater Scroll of WisdomGreater Scroll of Endurance
Major30+22Major Scroll of IntelligenceMajor Scroll of DexterityMajor Scroll of StrengthMajor Scroll of WisdomMajor Scroll of Endurance
Mighty35+26Mighty Scroll of IntelligenceMighty Scroll of DexterityMighty Scroll of StrengthMighty Scroll of WisdomMighty Scroll of Endurance
Heroic40+30Heroic Scroll of IntelligenceHeroic Scroll of DexterityHeroic Scroll of StrengthHeroic Scroll of WisdomHeroic Scroll of Endurance
Legendary45+35Legendary Scroll of IntelligenceLegendary Scroll of DexterityLegendary Scroll of StrengthLegendary Scroll of WisdomLegendary Scroll of Endurance
Exalted50+40Exalted Scroll of IntelligenceExalted Scroll of DexterityExalted Scroll of StrengthExalted Scroll of WisdomExalted Scroll of Endurance
Brevanic52+60Brevanic Scroll of IntelligenceBrevanic Scroll of DexterityBrevanic Scroll of StrengthBrevanic Scroll of WisdomBrevanic Scroll of Endurance
Empyrean58+70Empyrean Scroll of IntelligenceEmpyrean Scroll of DexterityEmpyrean Scroll of StrengthEmpyrean Scroll of WisdomEmpyrean Scroll of Endurance

Categories: RIFT | Guides (RIFT)
This page last modified 2012-12-05 16:20:43.