Second Trial The Fugitive (CoS Quest)  

Quick Facts
Sub-Main Quest
[Main] Beseech the Oracle
Zone: Founders' Annex
Starting NPC: Arjen Schell
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City of Steam
Second Trial: The Fugitive
The Arbiters and the Spireguard have asked you to find a renegade member of the Chroniclers hiding in Foundersbrook. Bring him to justice..

  1. Reach level 33
  2. Find Cyprian Gaunt
  3. Enter Foundersbrook
  4. Complete dungeon objectives
  5. Enter The Aquifer
  6. Find the Fugitive
  7. Defeat the Fugitive
  8. Return to Founders' Annex
  9. Choose Cyprian Gaunt (Arbiters) or Pateryk Fording (Spireguard)

  • 13200

Take your breaks in the tunnels. There are no mobs there so no worry about the respawns.

At the end you talk to either representative of the Arbiters or the Spireguard. One of them will give you a Myth Quartz.

This page last modified 2014-02-23 22:21:15.