Template:Defiance Mission 2  

 Defiance Mission 2
We are missing the description for this mission. If you would be so kind, please edit this page and add it (free ZAM account required).
We are missing the objectives for this mission. Could you edit this page and add them? (free ZAM account required)

This template is called by Template:Defiance Mission. All wiki pages should use the skeleton, below, which calls Template:Defiance Mission, then it calls here after performing a few small tasks.

On THIS page the Quick Facts box is not shown to avoid categorization of this template page. It will appear on the actual Mission page.

Page Naming: Because this wiki does not have a database (which would use namespace prefixes) we cannot use prefixes in front of Mission names as page names as it would confuse the wiki. All missions will have the page name format mission_name (Defiance Mission). For Hotshots, Time Trials and Rampage, use only the part after the :, and the template will display the correct prefix based on the missiontype.

{{Defiance Mission


(optional) Defaults to One if blank.
Name of the map this mission is found in.
(optional, case-insensitive) One of Main, Episode, Side, Hotshot, Time Trial, Rampage or Thorn Liro. Default is Main. The icons displayed are from Category:Mission Icons
(optional) name of the NPC that gives this mission (You would see them in your communication area on lower-right of the screen). This should be the full name, matching an Icon page under Category:NPC Icons. If missiontype= is Time Trial, the npc is set to "EGO".
(commalist) List of the tasks.
Experience reward.
Scrip (money) reward.
(optional) arkfall resources reward.
(switch, optional) If NOT blank, this mission rewards a Mod Cache (a random mod). Because some Mod Caches are for specific weapons only, you need to Put Mod Cache here, or weapontype Mod Cache to display it correctly.
(optional) Hotshot only. Mod Caches rewarded from Hotshot mission will be a mod for a specific weapontype. Put it here. See Category:Mod Cache Types. This field is ignored if modcache= is blank.
(optional,commalist) List of items rewarded for completion.
(commalist) List of the quality of the items listed in items=. If items= is blank this is ignored. Any blank quality will be treated as Common (White).
(optional) If this Mission rewards a title, place it here.
(optional) If this Mission rewards a helmet, place it here.
(optional) If this Mission rewards an outfit, place it here.
(optional) If this Mission rewards a Intel, place it here.
vehicle=, vehiclecolor=
(optional) If this Mission rewards a vehicle, place the base name invehicle=. The color, obviously, goes in vehiclecolor=. There are actually three possible icons, Runner, Cerberus and Roller, but we are just gonna display the Runner icon for all vehicles.
(optional) Time Trials only, time (mm:ss) required to win a Gold Medal.
(optional) Hotshot and Rampage only, score required to win a Gold Medal.
(optional,commalist) List of Side Missions that are unlocked when you complete this mission.
(optional) For Side Missions, name of the Main Mission that unlocks this Side Mission.
(commalist, optional) list of races that this contract targets. See Category:Races for the list of valid race names. Note that the category names are singular, and that is how you must use it here or it will not link. So, Mutant, not Mutants or mutants.
(commalist, optional) list of places that the targets of this Contract can be found in. This is currently not linked as we do not support pages for places at this time... they will simply be displayed in bold text.
(optional) If this mission requires the completion of a particular Emergency, name it here.
(optional) What faction is improved by this mission. The icon displayed should be found in Category:Faction Icons
How much rep is earned with the above faction?

Need help understanding Bludwyng's documentation style? See Bludwyng's Guide to Using Templates!

The Relentless
Fae Wizard
Lucan D'Lere
EverQuest II
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All the power in the universe in a small, flaming fairy package.

This page last modified 2013-09-10 17:32:50.