Template:WAR Careers  

This template's purpose is two-fold:

  1. Translate a career number from the db to a Career name
  2. Display an icon based on the career number or name

Usage: {{WAR Careers|name or number|icon=|pos=}}

name or number

Can be the career number from a db record, or the career name. Template will return the opposite unless icon is not blank
If not blank, display the career icon instead of a name or number.
If defined, a float position will be added to the image tag. There is no default. If pos is not defined the image will not be floated.


This is test text and should be aligned with the top of the icon, flowing around it as it goes.

Need help understanding Bludwyng's documentation style? See Bludwyng's Guide to Using Templates!

Bright Wizard
Lords of WAR
Warhammer Online
This template was created or is maintained by
One fire burns out another's burning, One pain is lessened by another's anguish. -Shakespeare

This page last modified 2008-10-02 09:17:16.