Temrin's Stacks - Boss (CoS Zone)  

Quick Facts
Type: Challenge
Within: Temrin's Stacks

Level: 14+
Team Size: 1

Related Quests
[Vanquisher] Private Collections
[Challenge] Heroic - Private Collections


Common Mobs

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City of Steam

Challenges are instanced zones, for Vanquisher or Challenge (Heroic) quests. No players, except teammates, will be present and mobs will not respawn in this zone.

The common mobs in this zone are 15-17.

Third room: (top-right corner of map) there is a room with a switch in the middle. Activating this summons a room FULL of Spidermidges, Chemspiders and Glitterbugs. Even at 23, soloing this Challenge, I would have died if not for a potion, so BE PREPARED! Strongly suggest you flip the switch and run to the previous room where you can handle them as they come through the door. The switch also opened the middle door, and behind that is another switch that opens the other two.

Fourth room: As soon as you enter four Rhinobeetles spawn in the middle.

Boss Room: After you kill the chemspider and rhinobeetles a host of mobs spawns, including a few throughout the dungeon just to keep you company if you run. Good idea to pull the rhinobeetles back to the switch room and then pick clumps of mobs at a time.

This page last modified 2013-12-16 03:34:53.