Category:Challenge (CoS Quest Type)  

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City of Steam
Quest Types
You do not have to be physically in the District where the dungeon is located. Click on the quest name in the Quest Tracker to go directly to the correct District on the Challenges UI.

The Refuge

  1. [Challenge] Bunker Halls Besieged (6)
  2. [Challenge] The Guts of the Glut (7)
  3. [Challenge] Glut Boss Raid (8)
  4. [Challenge] Disorder in the Courtyard (9)
  5. [Challenge] Liberate the Lode (10)
  6. [Challenge] Sweeping the Dustyard (11)
  7. [Challenge] Social Wellness (12)

Heartland Road

  1. [Challenge] Sticks and Stones (13) - Crumbling Sepulchre - Exterminator
  2. [Challenge] Motormined (15) - Larran's Grotto
  3. [Challenge] Private Collections (16) - Temrin's Stacks
  4. [Challenge] Corsair Flotsam (17) - The Sluice
  5. [Challenge] Gone to Ground (18) - Corsair Hideout

Meluan's Gate

  1. [Challenge] Walk Around the Block (19) Urbis - Exterminator
  2. [Challenge] Station Infestation (20) Railyard - Boss
  3. [Challenge] Urbis Antiquitus Boss Raid (21) Urbis - Boss
  4. [Challenge] Toil and Trouble (22) Scraphills - Boss
  5. [Challenge] Tomes and Bones (23) Harbor Archives - Boss
  6. [Challenge] Bilge Pump (24) Bilge - Boss
  7. [Challenge] Corsair Connection (25) Harbor Airspace - Boss Raid
  8. [Challenge] Newborn Undead (26) Underworks - Boss

The Vault

  1. [Challenge] Raising the Undead (27) - Raised Ruins - Survivor
  2. [Challenge] Tunnel Shuffle (28) - Lower Spire - Hunter
  3. [Challenge] Sinking Feeling (29) - Sunken Ruins - Boss
  4. [Challenge] Raised Ruins Boss Raid (30) - Raised Ruins - Boss
  5. [Challenge] Lower Spire Boss Raid (31) - Lower Spire - Boss
  6. [Challenge] Risen Shine (32) - Spirelock - Boss

Founders' Annex

  1. [Challenge] Emergency In Junction (33) - Feedwater 1 Boss Raid
  2. [Challenge] The Fight for Foundersbrook (34) - Foundersbrook Boss Raid
  3. [Challenge] Charnel Knowledge (35) - Charnelfield Boss Raid
  4. [Challenge] Feedwater Hunter (36) - Feedwater 2 Boss Raid
  5. [Challenge] Cullin' Culverin (37) - Culverin Road Boss Raid
  6. [Challenge] Reliquary Romp (38) - The Reliquary Boss Raid
  7. [Challenge] How Now, Brown Trow? (39) - Oracle's Tears 1 Boss Raid
  8. [Challenge] Oracle's Tears Hunter (40) - Oracle's Tears 2 Boss Raid


  1. [Challenge] Modern Wardfare (41) - The Flooded Ward 1 Boss Raid
  2. [Challenge] Flooded Ward Boss Raid (42) - The Flooded Ward 2 Boss Raid
  3. [Challenge] Head 'Em Off at the Path (43) - Toothward Path 1 Boss Raid
  4. [Challenge] Toothward Path Boss Raid (44) - Toothward Path 2 Boss Raid
  5. [Challenge] Re-Coupling (45) - Oracle's Coupling 1 Boss Raid
  6. [Challenge] A Complex Situation (46) - Power Complex Boss Raid
  7. [Challenge] Oracle's Coupling Boss Raid (47) - Oracle's Coupling 2 Boss Raid
  8. [Challenge] Garrison Duty (48) - Clockwork Garrison Boss Raid
  9. [Challenge] Toothward Path Boss Raid (49) - Toothward Path Boss Raid
  10. [Challenge] Shiv and Let Shiv (50) - Shiv Lane Boss Raid


  1. [Challenge] Heroic - Beryl's Folly (51) - Beryl's Folly Boss Raid
  2. [Challenge] Heroic - The Maze of Ulgrim (52) - The Maze of Ulgrim Boss Raid
  3. [Challenge] Heroic - Cells of the Forsaken (53) - Cells of the Forsaken Boss Raid
  4. [Challenge] Heroic - Castellum Phoenix 1 (54) - Castellum Phoenix 1 Boss Raid
  5. [Challenge] Heroic - The Maw (55) - The Maw Boss Raid
  6. [Challenge] Heroic - Krematorium Tunnel 1 (56) - Krematorium Tunnel 1 Boss Raid
  7. [Challenge] Heroic - Void Portal (57) - Void Portal Boss Raid
  8. [Challenge] Heroic - Krematorium Tunnel 2 (58) - Krematorium Tunnel 2 Boss Raid
  9. [Challenge] Heroic - Castellum Phoenix 2 (59) - Castellum Phoenix 2 Boss Raid
  10. [Challenge] Heroic - Arkadia of the Past (60) - Arkadia of the Past Boss Raid

This page last modified 2014-04-23 01:33:06.

Articles in category "Challenge (CoS Quest Type)"

There are 53 articles in this category.



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