The Maze of Ulgrim (CoS Zone)  

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The Maze of Ulgrim  Accessible from: Arkadia
52+ Imraphel's Secret Vault I
    The Maze of Ulgrim Boss Raid
    52 66882 (99360) [Vanquisher] Normal - The Maze of Ulgrim
    [Challenge] Heroic - The Maze of Ulgrim
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      City of Steam

      Each Boss Raid Challenge dungeon that you complete will grant rewards in addition to any items you find within it.

      The amounts will vary by level and mode.

      This zone is instanced. Mobs do not respawn here, nor will you see players that are not in your team.

      Auto-Combat is disabled in this zone.

      To reach Ulgrim at the center of the Maze you will need to flip switches to open the doors.

      Each teleport-switch takes you directly across the blocked path in the map.

      1. Top-right switch teleports you to top-middle boss.
      2. Go south and turn right, then take the right fork to the top-left boss.
      3. Continue to middle-left switch, port to bottom-left hall.
      4. Take the two bosses, west and south of Ulgrim. This opens door to left-bottom switch, port to boss in small room near entrance. Kill this boss to open door at south end of the same hall, leads to middle-bottom switch which ports to extreme-bottom-left boss room.
      5. Flip final switch to portal to now-open door just outside east side of Ulgrim's room.

      This page last modified 2014-04-15 17:55:22.