The Guns of Old (Defiance Contract)  

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The Guns of Old

Description Those big Sensoth tankers in Sausalito are using rare EMC munitions. I need you to get some by any means necessary. Oh, and unexploded, too, so good luck.
  • Collect 10 cannon shells from tankers in Sausalito
+50 Rep with Soleptor Enterprises

Many Raider camps in Sausalito will spawn a Tanker as the final phase of the encounter.

Confirmed camps that do NOT have Tankers (at least not regularly) are:

  • Big Root Refinery
  • Bridge Watch
  • Verdant Ridge
  • Cronkhite Bunker

in Sausalito, on southeast side of Cronkhite Bunker
in Sausalito, on southeast side of Cronkhite Bunker
Cronkhite Bunker is listed as both yes and no, because while the camp proper, right at the bunker entrance, does NOT have a Tanker, one DOES spawn at the cluster of trucks under the big root on the entrance road (southeast side of the Bunker). What's more, the camp re-spawns quickly (2 mins?) making this a very good camping spot to do this contract. Clear the Raiders and the Tanker steps out of the back of a truck. The camps Minimum Reset Distance (how far you have to go away to let it reset) is very short.

This page last modified 2013-04-29 12:26:15.